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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Tell me more, tell me more

IN a spray at un-named critics in this week's Derwent Valley Gazette, Mayor Tony Nicholson expressed his frustration at those drawing attention to the slow rate of development on the Willow Court historic site. Cr Nicholson was quoted saying the council had been undertaking market research, conservation plans and maintenance.

"The cost of that sort of work has been conveniently overlooked by our critics," Cr Nicholson said, before going on to say the council was working to get the best value for taxpayer dollars.

But Cr Nicholson is mistaken, as his so-called critics overlook nothing. Any information he wishes to share would be welcomed by the people who have been bothering him for details of the council's proposed redevelopment of the historic site - a process he now seems to believe is "beyond a rural council" according to the report in the Gazette.

1 comment:

  1. If what has been quoted by Mayor Nicholson is accurate, and I have seen nothing where he has refuted anything, then his comments highlight the incompetence of current and former councillors in managing the former RDH site to what should have been a great development for New Norfolk. The potential of simply the Willow Court area has been eroded by lack of vision, skills and expertise. Council should openly and transparently account to the ratepayers for every $ of the purported $2.2 million revenue gained ?(I believe around 2002)and supposedly expended upon airy fairy nonsense as cited - maintenance indeed - rubbish!

    A very grumpy old woman!!
