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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Valley Vision money questions continue

DESPITE a further attempt by Michael Whitehead for some answers, little light has been shed on the funding arrangements for the Valley Vision group. Mr Whitehead attended this month's Derwent Valley Council meeting to follow-up his recent question about how much ratepayer money went into the economic development organisation. Mayor Tony Nicholson took Mr Whitehead's question on notice.

At the April council meeting, Mr Whitehead was told the council contributed only $24,000 to Valley Vision each year. Mr Whitehead said the group was more likely to cost ratepayers at least $100,000 and questioned whether Valley Vision was worth the expense. It is understood he is now awaiting the mayor's promised written response.


  1. If mr Whitehead wanted to look up the cost of Valley Vision, he only has to go to the Derwent Valley Council's website, look up the budget and look for expenditure on "urban renewal"

    that amount is $i90,000.00 pa and I dont know if that includes the rental of office space,

    Over the past 5 years, the cost is over ONE MILLION DOLLARS

    I wonder where the money from Willow court sales has gone.......

    this is only the tip of the iceberg.......

  2. Hi there anonymous. Thanks for your comment. It really makes you wonder why the council is trying to say Valley Vision costs only $24,000.

    By the way, could you let us know where you found the budget documents on the council website please? Perhaps you could email us a link?
