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Friday, May 7, 2010

Letter to the editor: Willow Court

The following comment was submitted today in response to an old article about Willow Court. It deserves repeating here & it's a shame the writer did not leave their name as the points listed here are well made.

WHY does someone not do something like make New Norfolk the centre for antiques and collectables in Tasmania? It is close to Hobart. There could be an auction in one of the [Willow Court] buildings a few times a year; a market set up in the grounds; and encouragement for more of these type of shops in the town. What a great town for this sort of thing with the Derwent River and a lot of old-English-style settings and houses. Even some of the old homesteads might be open to the public a few times a year.


  1. Hey

    As a member of the Commitee we had an indepth meeting last week about our ideas for Willow Court.
    I think the general public would be quite pleased with some of the postive and passionate ideas that were rasied, I know I was.

    In someway this suggestion idea was raised.

    We have another large session comming up next week and I will be happy to pass on your suggestion.

    For all readers if they do have ideas and suggestions please feel free to raise them and I would be happy to pass them on, as we are only in the very intial stages and have a long way to go.

    A good question to ask yourself would be "what would I like to see in Willow Court in 10 years time if money was no barrier"



  2. In case you haven't noticed, we ARE the centre for Antiques & Collectables in Southern Tas with 8 shops in town.(Mine being one of them) :)
    We have done a lot of our own advertising to bring people to this town & would welcome any suggestions on how we can bring more people not just to our shops but to the town in general. When people come they don't just buy from us, (and often they don't buy from us!) they stay here & eat as well. That is one thing that is sadly lacking in this town is decent food outlets. But that's a whole other story.
    In my opinion though, an auction is not such a great idea as we ourselves have tossed this around in the past & have found it not to be a viable solution.
    I was disappointed that last year Council voted against spending money on promoting tourism to the Valley.
    Unless the council are willing to do something proactive, Willow Court & this town will never get anywhere.

  3. I notice the business alliance group have been the ones spending the funds available on advertising the area as a whole (and really they should be just be promoting the business area)but I see absolutely nothing from any of the tourism group and this is for sure where any development and future of the barracks and willow court will lay and should be promoted. I agree with megan that the area is already known for its antiques and similar, so I reckon the more ideas there are for people to look at (and hopefully have an input) the better!

  4. Hi Allison

    Like I said before I am a committee member and I would be happy to pass on anyones ideas. The more input the better.

  5. Of course what the place really wants is a proactive tourism group - many years ago there was one although a whole lot of self-interest there. Haven't heard of any group promoting the place as a tourism mecca at all. I don't really believe that council is the place to have a tourism officer as it isn't the role of them to do it but surely the businesses which would benefit from one could put their hands in their pockets - 'user pays basis' really. Just a thought
