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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tim on the buses

THE Tasmanian Greens have called on the State Government to increase investment in bus services for regional areas of Tasmania. Greens infrastructure spokesperson and Lyons MHA Tim Morris MHA said a lot more work and some investment was required to bring the standard of public transport in regional areas up to a level that will attract new and retain existing passengers, and debate is also required about the costs and benefits involved in establishing a transit centre for Hobart.

Mr Morris praised the Derwent Valley-based O’Driscoll service for its commitment to using high quality vehicles, as well as the new attitude that the company has brought to the provision of public transport around the region. “I regard the provision of improved bus transport as one of the key ways in which government can help ensure the viability of regional communities facing the ramifications of climate change and peak oil, so we must ensure that our public transport networks are supported and extended in regional areas around Tasmania,” Mr Morris said.

“Hobart is currently lacking a central transit centre in or near the CBD, and it is high time that a debate was held about the costs and benefits of establishing a new transit centre for central Hobart.The better the bus service, the more passengers it will attract, and investments in more comfortable and efficient vehicles, bike racks, wi-fi, and a single website for all bookings, are certain to attract a whole new generation of commuters to our regional bus networks.”

“If the government wants a good example of how to run a regional service they should look no further than the O’Driscoll service in the Derwent Valley. I was initially critical of the decision by Metro to sell the Derwent Valley service without any local consultation, but I am now totally impressed with the enthusiasm, attitude and service being provided to the Derwent Valley community by O’Driscolls.”

“The future viability of many regional communities will be under threat if the government cannot provide support for a regular, reliable public transport service, and the Greens are calling on this government to prioritise investment into improving and extending bus services in regional areas around Tasmania, now,” said Mr Morris.

O'Driscoll's is understood to have made a submission to the State Government for further improvements to its Derwent Valley service, including buses to Lachlan and Maydena.

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