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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Bridgewater Bridge best avoided at weekends

TRAFFIC using the Bridgewater Bridge should expect delays over the coming weekends, when work begins to restore the wire rope cables which operate the bridge’s lifting mechanism, Deputy Premier and Infrastructure Minister Lara Giddings said today.

The work forms part of a $10 million package funded by the Federal Government to refurbish the bridge, and will be done during the day over the weekends of July 10-11 and 17-18.  Further weekend work may be needed during the weekend of July 24-25 if poor weather slows progress. This latest restoration work will be done between  6.30am and 7pm. This may result in traffic delays but emergency services will have priority access at all times.

"The lifting mechanism of the bridge has been out of action since 2006 and this project will use modern technology to restore the liftspan to full operation," Ms Giddings said. "The work cannot be done at night because of the current icy weather conditions and the impracticality of being able to fully light the bridge to complete the overhead cable work."

Ms Giddings said everything possible would be done to make sure the public and bridge workers remained safe and travellers were not too inconvenienced.  “The contractors will use lane closures during the day and only on the weekends rather than full night closures as we have done in the past."

One lane of traffic will flow most of the time, with traffic fully stopped only when hazardous overhead work on the wire rope cables is being undertaken. Delays of about 15 minutes may occur at those times. "The public should take these delays into consideration when travelling through the area and, where possible, use the alternative routes of the New Norfolk and the Bowen Bridges," Ms Giddings said.

"The public has been very tolerant of all the work that has been going on in the Bridgewater and the Brighton regions recently and I would like to thank them for their ongoing patience," Ms Giddings said.


  1. When are these roadworks going to come to a completion? I know we need upgrades etc, but I think the people of the Derwent Valley have had enough, honestly I believe a snail could move faster than these road crews. I am sick of the damage these roadworks are causing to my car and tyres. Enough is enough, oh and while on the subject, where are the police these days? For months I have been travelling the Lyell Highway (once again with constant roadworks), I work shift work and I work 7 & 8 days straight and not once in the last few months have I seen police there or speed cameras, I drive at the posted speed limit and I am absolutely fed up with other drivers tailgating and trying to bully me into going faster. Just for the information of your readers, these drivers are now having their rego numbers jotted down and letter is being sent to the authorities.

  2. GET a life mate theres more then you on the roads i hope they take there time and do a good job it needs it.

  3. Oh I have a life Jeff, I have lost too many friends and neighbours on that stretch of road, so yes I too want it to be done properly, but why is it taking as long as it is? The road has been under repair since at least Christmas 2008. But my biggest gripe is the fact that while these roadworks are taking place there many drivers that feel the speed zones don't apply to them and have to tailgate you trying to bully you into going faster, a very dangerous practice especially of a night when not only do they tailgate, they will also flip on their high beam. My worst experience was recently with a bus tailgating me all the way from Granton roundabout to the lime kilns, he got closer and closer trying to make me do more than the posted 60kms an hour. So is it the road that is unsafe or the drivers????

  4. Drivers in general are the problem not the road. I have had many instances of being tailgated, overtaken illegally & generally harassed by other inconsiderate drivers. They also love to go slow until the overtaking lane, then speed up so you can't pass them & then slow down to below the speed limit when the o't lane ends...
