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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Petition on x-ray service

A PETITION launched this week by Tasmanian Greens MHA Tim Morris calls on the State Government to fund, re-establish and operate the x-ray service at the New Norfolk District Hospital. Mr Morris said re-opening of the x-ray service at New Norfolk would greatly assist people in the area, who currently need to travel long distances to access this basic medical service.

"This is particularly important for the frail and aged in our community, including New Norfolk District Hospital patients and Corumbene Nursing Home residents, for whom at present, an x-ray appointment is extremely difficult to attend, or requires the use of an ambulance and often results in significant delays in being able to access this vital medical service," Mr Morris said.

"There is a fully equipped x-ray facility at the New Norfolk District Hospital that only requires staffing and which has been previously operated by both the public and private sectors over many years. The service was well utilised in the past and will be again, taking considerable pressure off GPs, relatives, carers as well as the Tasmanian Ambulance Service."

Mr Morris has raised the matter in State Parliament on several occasions and has received a generally sympathetic hearing from Health Minister Michelle O'Byrne. The petition, once completed, will be tabled in Parliament.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic News! It is a facility required by so many people in the Derwent Valley and should never have been allowed to close.
    Perhaps a letter box drop of the petition, in some form, would make it more accessible for so many more people to learn of it's existence and add their names to it. Well Done!
