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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Styx road query

GREENS MHA Tim Morris has queried why Forestry Tasmania was carrying out new road construction work in the Styx Valley when the ink had barely dried on an agreement to preserve high-conservation value forests in the region. Mr Morris called on Forestry Minister Bryan Green to explain the purpose of the roadworks.   

"Forestry Tasmania are currently advertising that there will be interruptions to traffic between Mueller Rd and the South Styx Bridge for approximately two months, and the only forest being logged in this area is high-conservation value (HCV), raising fears that new roadworks are being driven into, or are facilitating the logging of, HCV forest only weeks after the signing of forestry roundtable principles which agree to protect HCV forests as a priority," Mr Morris said.

“Minister Bryan Green needs to reveal whether Forestry Tasmania are upgrading existing roads or driving a new road into the Styx Valley to access and clearfell HCV forests, and if so he needs to order Forestry Tasmania to cease this destructive and undermining activity until the future direction of the industry is decided,” said Mr Morris.

“The Minister was unable to answer when asked about this in Parliament today, and I will continue question him about these roadworks until he reveals the truth. Now is not the time to be driving new roads into pristine forest areas, or to be carrying out major upgrades of existing roads that only access HCV forest areas.”

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