COVID-19 ADVICE: The following links provide official advice and information about the virus known as COVID-19.
Australia's state and federal governments are taking action to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Use the links above to source the latest advice about what you can do to protect yourself and others. Washing your hands for 20 seconds is one of the most effective forms of infection control. Do this after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; after close physical contact with anyone who is unwell; after using the toilet; before and after eating; before, during and after preparing food; and after feeding or touching a pet.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas lunch in New Norfolk

A FREE Christmas lunch will be available at the St Matthew's Church Hall in Bathurst St, New Norfolk, from noon tomorrow (Christmas Day). The lunch is provided by the churches of New Norfolk, particularly for those who may be on their own at Christmas. The theme is "bring a friend or come and make a friend." Lunch starts at noon and there will be a concert at 2pm. For more information, to request transport or to make a booking (to assist with catering) phone 6261 1528 or 6261 1627.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Gazette office closes but paper carries on

STAFF of the Derwent Valley Gazette are to transfer to head office in Hobart following the closure of the New Norfolk office today. The newspaper published its Christmas issue today and will be on its annual hiatus until January 12.

The Gazette's journalist will in future be contactable on 6230 0443, fax 6230 0711 or, while the contact numbers for advertising are 6230 0774 and fax 6230 0766. Classified advertising can be placed at the New Norfolk Newsagency in High St.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Oval sale queried

A DECISION about the sale of the Willow Court oval at New Norfolk would be made soon, Mayor Martyn Evans said at last week's Derwent Valley Council meeting. The mayor was responding to a public question from New Norfolk resident Len Butterworth, who asked what process would be followed now that the sale of the oval had "fallen through". Councillor Evans sidestepped the issue of the status of the proposed sale of the oval and said the "oval contract" would be dealt with following the completion of a report by Malcolm McDonald. General manager Stephen Mackey said the report was due by Christmas Eve.

Quince on the verandah

A NEW eatery has opened in the New Norfolk restaurant formerly known as Verandah's in the Valley. "Quince" opened at the weekend and local produce is understood to be a feature. Verandah's had a brief re-opening at Fathers' Day but unforseen circumstances resulted in its closing again shortly afterwards.

The welcome arrival of "Quince" follows the recent opening of The Olive Tree restuarant in the former "Nosh Pit" in George St and the new Patchwork Cafe nearby in the grounds of Willow Court (see picture below). Congratulations to the people behind all three ventures.

One down...

THE first planter box has been removed from Burnett St, New Norfolk, in a trial run prior to the complete withdrawal of the unpopular  fixtures. Derwent Valley Council works manager Stewart Taylor selected the box in the middle of the street between Liberty petrol station and Beaurepaires tyre outlet, widely regard as the worst-located and most dangerous from a road-stafety point of view. Following the complete removal of the planter boxes, the badly-damaged surface of Burnett St will be reconstructed in a project funded over several financial years.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

LETTER: A visitor's view

WE'VE just returned from eight great days in Tasmania, including three nights in New Norfolk. We enjoyed the accommodation on the Derwent, the historical and river walk and the friendly towns people, but we thought there was much needed to be done to encourage travellers like us to return.

1. While everywhere in the state was a blaze of colour, New Norfolk's High St didn't have a tree, shrub or planter box - despite there being numerous areas on the widened footpaths for tubs of flowers for example. The only skerrick of green was the roundabout with a couple of sorry dying plants surrounded by weeds. The whole impression was negative and unwelcoming. What does council plan for the street?

2. On Sunday night which was cold, windy and drizzly, we found we couldn't park outside the Chinese restaurant because only 30 minute parking was allowed - how absurd given there were no more than four cars parked in the entire street. We live near Manly in Sydney, which is a hugely popular tourist destination and after 6pm people have unlimited free street parking. Our response was to drive back to our accommodation and cook our own meal which was great for local business - not. Who decided to extend these restrictions to weekends and evenings and why? Is a review planned?

3. What's the story with Willow Court? We saw what are obviously lovely heritage buildings neglected and fenced off and while we were there a building was torched - a terrific news story for tourists.

N. Monshall

LETTER: Lack of services

WITH the Derwent Valley recently being thrust into the spotlight for unthinkable acts, the community still manages to be left without its common services from police and ambulance. A regular day for paramedics tends to leave the Valley without an ambulance (for any medical emergencies) for lengthy periods of time. There is also a lack of police services available in the town of New Norfolk.

Only a month ago a young man suffering from a then undiagnoised anaphylaxis rushed into a pharmacy for help. Pharmacy staff phoning the ambulance service were told it was in Hobart and the closest ambulance came from Mornigton. Thank heavens for pharmacy and medical centre staff and a doctor. Recently an elderly man fell and knocked his head in High St. He was assisted by bystandersand left waiting in the street for 15 minutes due to the New Norfolk ambulance being in Hobart.

In all fairness our ambulance service is stretched and they do an amazing job, but when is the Governemnt  going to realise we need more and better facilities from these services?  The Derwent Valley isn't the only municipality crying out for this. Volunteers are essential to the ambulance service but why aren't they all being trained to just under paramedic level? This would help ease some of the pressure.

With recent armed holdups in the town it's little wonder many people are talking about the lack of police services and presence. Whilst we have great services when available, what is anyone to do if they are in need of urgent attention?

Gretna Under-15 cricketers

THE Gretna Under-15 cricket team, photographed by Wade Gleeson at Gretna. Back row from left: vice captain Aaron Dawes, Brodie Gleeson, Joshua Raspin, Zac Webb, Kia Wilton and Jeremy Nossiter. Front from left: Aiden Russell, Joshua Whitford, Alex Blair, Joshua Russell and captain Aaron Triffitt. Absent Dylan Carver.

Gretna Under-13 cricketers

THE Gretna Under 13 cricket team, photographed by Wade Gleeson at Gretna. Back row from left: Connor Salter, Daniel Browning, captain Reece Williams, Jacksyn Mann, coach Bruce Emery, Joshua Farrow, Jock Parsons and Tom Parsons. Front row from left: Luke Crosswell, Jack Stevenson, Aiden Russell, Ryan Emery and Rupert Johnston.

Meet the Milo cricketers

PARTICIPANTS in the Milo In2Cricket program at Glenora District High School had their final session last Friday week, followed by a barbecue. Annie McKenzie and Natasha Farrow co-ordinated the program with help from the Gretna Cricket Club and senior players Darren Lennox, Brian Smith, Rhys Browning, Ben Shaw and Nathan Rainbird. Congratulations to everyone involved in running the program.

Annie McKenzie snapped the above photos of the Milo cricketers at the Gretna Recreation Ground. In the back row are, from left: George Lazenby, Hayden Davis, Sam Plunkett-Smith, Jack Triffett, Johannes Duindam, Sophie Farrow and Jed Plunkett-Smith. Front from left: Harry Townsend, Nicholaas Duindam, Dylan Davis, Connor Gittus, Conor Kelly-Lennox, Mia Temple and Kane Lovell.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Derwent Dollar smiles

Derwent Valley Mayor Martyn Evans was photographed on Saturday with the winners from the Derwent Dollars Draw conducted after the New Norfolk Christmas Parade.

Arsonists attack

FIRE caused a reported $100,000 damage to the abandoned Ward 9 at the former Royal Derwent Hospital yesterday morning. Contrary to other media reports, the fire was not at Willow Court. The New Norfolk Fire Brigade responded at about 1.30am and was still at the scene when a fire was reported at the historic Rainbow Cottages in George St just before 3am. Damage was limited to the kitchen of one of the conjoined cottages. Both fires were believed to have been deliberately lit. The Mercury has more here.

Gretna junior cricket - round seven

THE Under 13s lost only five wickets in their 25 overs against Wellington at Gretna on Sunday. This shows great concentration. Well done kids - a win is just around the corner. Gretna 5-42 off 25 lost to Wellington 0-71 off 25. Batting: Jacksyn Mann 7no (1 four), Jack Stevenson 7, Reece Williams 2 retired, Ryan Emery 2. Bowling: Hannah Mann 0-1, Joshua Hills 0-4, Reece Williams 0-5, Joshua Farrow 0-5, Tom Parsons 0-6, Rupert Johnston 0-7, Jock Parsons 0-7, Jacksyn Mann 0-7.

The Under 15s didn't have a good day, being bowled out for 14. The highlight was when 12th man Nick Wakefield was given a bat at the end. Nick showed his team mates how it was done, batting with Alex Blair for four overs. Well done Nick, you looked good in your first game. Who said the 12th man couldn't bat? 

Gretna 10-14 off 10.2 overs lost to kingborough Gold 2-215 off 40 overs at Gretna. Batting: Joshua Whitford 5, Nathan Wakfield 3, Joshua Raspin 2. Bowling: Aaron Triffitt 1-12 off eight overs, Nathan Wakfield 1-11 off three overs.

This weekend the juniors will play two games at Gretna between each other. Under 13s start at 9am and the Under 15s at 12.30. This will be followed by the Christmas party - please remember your raffle book.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

2010 Christmas parade

HUNDREDS attended the New Norfolk Christmas Parade in High St yesterday, cementing the event's reputation as one of the best and brightest. About 40 entries were received for the pageant, which as usual did two laps of High St. Mayor Martyn Evans judged the entries and awarded the following prizes:
  • Best overall: Our Patch combined schools entry
  • Runner-up: Derwent Valley Dance Company
  • Best decorated vehicle: Derwent Valley Players (Wizard of Oz)
  • Best emergency services presentation: New Norfolk Ambulance
  • Best business presentation: Norske Skog (bumble bee and dragon cars)
  • Best community activity presentation: New Norfolk Scouts

River traffic re-opened

A SMALL flotilla of boats led by the historic motor launch Egeria, with Tasmanian Governor Peter Underwood on board, passed under the Bridgewater Bridge for the first time in four years yesterday, to mark the completion of the $14 million upgrade works and the restoration of the bridge to full operational status.
Federal Member for Lyons, Dick Adams MHR, joined the Tasmanian Minister for Infrastructure, David O’Byrne MHA, at the bridge re-opening ceremony, and said the upgrade was a significant milestone.

“Bridgewater Bridge is the largest surviving lift span bridge in Australia, and the only bridge of its type in Tasmania,” Mr Adams said. “The upgrade has given this local icon a new lease of life, allowing it to operate at full functionality for at least the next 15 years. The work has ensured that the bridge will remain functional while we continue planning for the possible future construction of a new bridge.”

As well as repairs to the bridge and lifting mechanism, the project included work to widen lanes and install a new roundabout at the nearby Lyell Highway junction. Mr O’Byrne, aid the refurbishment project was equally important for both road and river traffic. “As well as restoring access to New Norfolk for recreational boats and ferries, the upgrade has greatly improved road safety and enhanced traffic efficiency for motorists,” he said.

Thumbs-up for Esplanade

WATER quality in the River Derwent at the New Norfolk Esplanade has been rated as "good" following a water monitoring review by the Derwent Estuary Program. Spokeswoman Christine Coughanowr said the review of data from the past five years would help people to make an informed decision about where and when to swim.

“Each week over summer, water quality is tested at 35 beaches and bays up and down the Derwent estuary, between New Norfolk and Opossum Bay,” Ms Coughanowr said. “Each site is classified as having good, fair or poor water quality in accordance with state and national guidelines.”

Top-ranked beaches in the Derwent include Opossum Bay, Hinsby and Taroona beaches, Blackmans Bay and Little Sandy Bay. Other sites classified as having good water quality include New Norfolk Esplanade, Kingston Beach (middle), Bellerive Beach and Little Howrah Beach.

Beaches classified as having fair water quality include Howrah Beach, Nutgrove (eastern end), Kingston Beach (northern and southern ends) and Windemere Bay. Ms Coughanowr said several popular recreational areas have a poor water quality classification, including the western end of Nutgrove Beach, New Town Bay, Cornelian Bay, Marieville Esplanade and Browns River at Kingston. Swimming at these sites is not recommended, according to state and national guidelines.

“Signs installed at popular swimming sites and foreshore parks indicate whether the long-term water quality is good, fair or poor and can be easily changed if and when sampling results are poor,” Ms Coughanowr said. "Water samples are taken on a weekly basis from December through March and are analysed for specific bacteria which indicate the presence of contaminants such as sewage and stormwater run-off,” she said.

During summer the test results are published in the Saturday Mercury newspaper.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas calendar

THERE'S a lot happening in the Derwent Valley in the lead-up to Christmas. Here's a calendar of Christmas events coming up over the next few weeks:

  • December 10 (Friday): Carols in the Country, Molesworth Recreation Ground, 6-8pm. Food and drinks on sale.
  • December 11 (Saturday): New Norfolk Christmas Parade, High St, noon. Followed by Derwent Dollars draw (see this week's Derwent Valley Gazette).
  • December 13 (Monday): New Norfolk Carols by Candlelight, Tynwald Park Oval, 7.30pm.
  • December 16 (Thursday): Meet Santa at Glasser & Parker New Norfolk, 37 High St, 11am-1pm & 2-4pm.
  • December 17 (Friday): Meet Santa at Glasser & Parker New Norfolk, 37 High St, 11am-1pm & 2-4pm.
  • December 18 (Saturday): The Derwent Valley Players present The Wizard of Oz Christmas pantomime, New Norfolk War Memorial Hall, 2pm and 5pm, admission $5 children, $10 adults, $20 family. Info: Roz 0403 858 210.
  • December 19 (Sunday): Derwent Valley Council Community Christmas Barbecue, Willow Court Barrack Square, 2-5pm. All welcome.
  • December 19 (Sunday): Ellendale Carols & sausage sizzle, 6pm.
  • December 19 (Sunday): The Derwent Valley Players present The Wizard of Oz Christmas pantomime, New Norfolk War Memorial Hall, 2pm and 5pm, admission $5 children, $10 adults, $20 family. Info: Roz 0403 858 210.
  • December 21 (Tuesday): Dick Adams MHR New Norfolk office open day, 58a High St, 2.30-6pm. RSVP by December 15, 6261 3366.
  • December 24 (Friday): Meet Santa at Glasser & Parker New Norfolk, 37 High St, 11am-1pm.
  • December 25 (Saturday): Christmas Day service, St Peter's Anglican Church, Hamilton, 10am.

See Santa in New Norfolk

Local link in King Island crash

A FORMER Derwent Valley man is at the centre of an emergency landing at King Island Airport this morning. Imran Ismawi, who left New Norfolk High School in 2000, was at the controls of an aircraft which crash-landed with a government minister, staff and media on board. The Mercury's initial report can be read here and the ABC's story is here.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Aird's office closed

THE New Norfolk office of retiring Legislative Councillor Michael Aird had been closed for about two months, the Upper House of State Parliament heard recently. In the days following Mr Aird's announcement that he would retire early next year, there was much scuttlebut about potential successors, including former Lyons MHA David Llewellyn.

Speaking in the Legislative Council on November 17, Huon MLC Paul Harriss asked whether Mr Aird would "assist in organising the numbers for David Llewellyn to make a comeback when you vacate your seat of Derwent?" He continued: "Can you confirm that the office that you share in New Norfolk with Mr Llewellyn is still adorned with his name even eight months after the election?"

With other members laughing, Mr Aird said he was not going to publicly discuss his preference for a candidate to replace him. "In relation to the office in the Derwent Valley, it is a bit like a dead parrot. That office has been closed for some time," he said.

"The fact is that we terminated the lease on that office, I would think six or eight weeks ago, on the basis of finding another establishment. I thought there would be a vacant shop in High St in New Norfolk but the economy is going so well in the Derwent Valley that there are no vacant retail spaces for an office for the next member for Derwent."

Mayor chases bank robber

THE New Norfolk branch of MyState Financial was closed following a daylight robbery this afternoon. The Mercury and the ABC have the story, including Mayor Martyn Evans' pursuit of the alleged thief. Read the Mercury story here and the ABC report here.

Junior cricket report

WITH a fine but overcast day, both of the Gretna Cricket Club's junior teams played without interruption from rain. The Under 13 batsmen did a great job to bat out all of their 25 overs with Josh Russell top-scoring with 14 runs. Zac Crosswell made 12 and James Webb made 11 runs (retired). Five of the Gretna bowlers took wickets with Finlay Crisp the best with 1 for 3 off two overs.

In the Under 15s it was again another close one with the boys going down by only 13 runs. Captain Aaron Triffitt showed great control, making a superb 51 runs (not out). The team was at one stage 7 for 34 but recovered to be all out for 91. To show the closeness of the game, Glenorchy batting first was also 7 for 34.

Zac Webb, who came to the wicket when we were reeling at 8 for 47, put on a 38 run partnership with Aaron Triffitt. Although Aaron made most of the 38 runs it was Zac who showed great character and stood tall when the team needed him most. For the bowlers it was again Dylan Carver in the limelight taking 3 for 8 off four overs. Thanks to Dylan’s mum Celia for scoring, a top job, well done.

It is great to see the big improvement from all 37 junior players over the past weeks, well done, keep up the good work. While on the subject of good work, the club would like to thank the Glenora District High School and in particular Lyn Saunders for the work in having a synthetic pitch laid and having the ground in order for the Under 13s on Sunday. Thanks also to Natasha Farrow for opening the change rooms. All this has allowed the juniors to retain home games when the Gretna ground is being used by our senior teams, otherwise we would have further travel. Thank you, it’s very much appreciated.

To all the Milo cricketers, we look forward to seeing you at Gretna for your last session and a barbecue on Friday afternoon. It will be great to see our future stars in action.

SCORES - UNDER 13: Glenorchy 5 for 83 off 25 overs defeated Gretna 7 for 54 off 25 overs at Glenora High School. Batting - Joshua Russell 14 runs (1 four), Zac Crosswell 12, James Webb 11 runs retired (1 four), Aiden Russell 8, Zac Carnes 4, Joshua Hills 3, Jacob Bowerman 1, Luke crosswell 1no. Bowling - Finlay Crisp 1-3 off 2 overs, Zac Carnes 1-5 off 2 overs, Jacob Bowerman 1-7 off 2 overs, Luke Crosswell 1-10 off 2 overs, Joshua Russell 1-15 off overs.

UNDER 15: Glenorchy 10 for 104 off 29.3 overs defeated Gretna 10 for 91 off 23.2 overs at Cadbury 2. Batting - Aaron Triffitt 51 runs (8 fours, 1 six), Trent Grant 5, Brodie Gleeson 4. Bowling: Dylan Carver 3-8 off 4 overs, Nathan Wakefield 2-13 off 4 overs, Z. Webb 1-8 off 4 overs, Connor Salter 1-13 off 4, Aaron Dawes 1-14 off 4 overs, Brodie Gleeson 1-15 off 2.3 overs, Aaron Triffitt 3-2 off 4 overs, Alex Blair 0-28 off 2 overs.
Next games,- round six, Sunday 12th December. Under 13 v Wellington at Gretna. Under 15 v Kingborough Gold at Gretna.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Farrell: no resignation

LEGISLATIVE Council candidate Craig Farrell today said he did not intend to stand down from his position as deputy mayor of the Derwent Valley Council. The announcement followed a report in today's Sunday Tasmanian which said Mr Farrell would resign the deputy mayorship tomorrow. To the contrary, Mr Farrell said it was his intention to serve out his full term.

Announcing his candidacy yesterday, Mr Farrell said he was looking forward to the challenge of the election campaign and was hopeful of being elected as a strong voice for the Derwent electorate following Michael Aird's recent decision to retire.

“The Derwent electorate is extremely diverse ranging from regional communities to the suburbs of Brighton, Bridgewater, Claremont and Old Beach,” Mr Farrell said. “There are many issues facing the Derwent electorate and key ones that I will be concentrating on are the rising costs of living, jobs growth, regional development and aged care.”

A former Labor candidate for the lower house seat of Lyons, Mr Farrell was elected to the Derwent Valley Council in 2002 and became deputy mayor in 2009. He said his time as a local government representative had given him a genuine understanding of people’s needs in local communities. “People in local communities are finding it pretty tough to make ends meet and many are also facing an uncertain employment future. I want to work with our communities to bring about improvement in people’s lives,” he said.

Mr Farrell is married with four children and works in the New Norfolk office of the Federal Member for Lyons, Dick Adams MHR. He heads the Derwent Valley Railway and is a member of the New Norfolk Lions Club.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bartlett annoints Farrell for Derwent

PREMIER David Bartlett has today named Derwent Valley Council deputy mayor Craig Farrell as the Labor Party’s candidate for the Legislative Council seat of Derwent. “Craig has proven his commitment to the local community, with eight years of service on the Derwent Valley Council, including the past year as Deputy Mayor,” Mr Bartlett said.

The incumbent, Michael Aird MLC, recently announced his intention to retire. “I’m pleased that Craig wants to serve ... in State Parliament, and believes standing for the Labor Party is the best way to do that,” Mr Bartlett said.

“Michael Aird has represented this community with passion and dedication for several years. I’m sure Craig would bring many of the same qualities to the job,” Mr Bartlett said. “Craig has indicated his priorities will be local jobs, and helping Tasmanians to ease the cost of living. I’m pleased that his goals and values match those of the government,” he said.

Family centre for Ellis Dean Reserve

LAND on the Ellis Dean Reserve in Blair St, New Norfolk, had been chosen as the site for a $2.5m purpose-built Derwent Valley Child and Family Centre, Labor Lyons MHA Rebecca White said yesterday. “The ... recommendation comes after an extensive consultation process started in February 2010 at the initial community stakeholder meeting,” Ms White said.

Ms White said the Child and Family Centre's aim would be to improve the health, wellbeing, education and care of Tasmania’s very young children by supporting parents and enhancing accessibility of services in the local community.

"Social Inclusion community liasion officer Katrina Higgins along with volunteers consulted with the primary stakeholders – parents and carers of children currently 0-5 years. Community feedback was overwhelming that the centre should be on town side where all other services are presently located," Ms White said.

Ms White said she was impressed with the way the Derwent Valley community has embraced the Child and Family Centre and the establishment process. “There have been preliminary discussions around access, transport and providing services in other locations, for example Fairview Primary School. This project is bigger than an actual building, it’s a whole new way of working with families,” Ms White said.

“The new Child and Family Centre will give children living in the Derwent Valley the best possible start in life. There will be a celebration at Ellis Dean Reserve to mark the site recommendation in the New Year which will be advertised."

For more information:

New wheels for local learners

A NEW car to help young learner drivers in the Derwent Valley was delivered to the Derwent Valley Community House. State treasurer and Derwent MLC Michael Aird said the car had been provided under the "Cars for Communities" program which had funded 29 organisations to purchase vehicles for a range of community transport services.
“This will help young people who might not otherwise have access to family members or professional driving instructors," Mr Aird said. “Many people find it hard to participate in community life simply because they don’t have access to transport. Research has shown that the level of supervised driving experience in a range of conditions is a key factor in reducing the risk of young drivers being involved in a crash,” he said.

Mr Aird said not being able to obtain a driver’s licence could also disadvantage young people in terms of access to employment and training opportunities. “The Learner Driver Mentoring Program was developed in response to this need, with the first programs established in 2005,” Mr Aird said.

“These programs are community-run, providing learner drivers in need of assistance with the opportunity to develop their on-road driving experience. This is the first time that the program has been run in New Norfolk, after being run successfully in other parts of the State. They help disadvantaged learner drivers access a suitable vehicle and responsible supervisory driver to gain on-road driving experience, including their required 50 hours in the L2 learner stage.”

Mr Aird said the learner driver program would be run by the Derwent Valley Community House, which could be contacted on 6261 5230 for more information.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Christmas parade coming up

THE 12th annual New Norfolk Christmas Parade will be held on Saturday, December 11. The Derwent Valley Concert Band will proudly head the parade, which will set off from Circle St at noon. There will be plenty of entertainment including the Derwent Scottish Pipe Band and new attractions including a large contingent from combined schools of the Derwent Valley. The plan as usual will be to depart from Circle St, proceed down High St, around Arthur Square by way of Stephen St, Pioneer Ave and Bathurst St and return back along High St to finish at Circle St.

A Derwent Dollars Draw will take place outside the Post Office 1.15pm. The winners must be in attendance to claim their prizes. Entry coupons appear in the Derwent Valley Gazette on Dec 1 & 8 and the entry box will be found in Glasser & Parker's New Norfolk store from December 2 up until 1.10pm on parade day. All entries must be attached to a receipt to the value of $5 from participating New Norfolk businesses listed in a large advertisement in the Gazette this week and next.

Organiser Ngaire Glover said there was still time for new entries to be registered. Local businesses are strongly encouraged to enter the parade, with a number already having booked their spot. For further information contact Ngaire Glover 0419 337 608 as soon as possible.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bridge to close for official opening

THE Bridgewater Bridge would be temporarily closed to all traffic on the morning of December 11 while a special ceremony was held to mark the restoration of the bridge liftspan to full operation, deputy premier Lara Giddings said today. Ms Giddings said the lifting span would be opened to enable a flotilla of boats to travel under the bridge to mark its first lift in four years.

“It will be great to see the Bridgewater Bridge restored to full operation,” Ms Giddings said. “The bridge is a Tasmanian icon and the fact that it will be able to open once again is good news for boat traffic up the Derwent. The bridge will be closed from 10.30 to 11.45am on December 11 while the ceremony is under way, and we apologise in advance for any temporary inconvenience to motorists."

“To prevent unnecessary queuing and delays, motorists are asked to use the Bowen and New Norfolk Bridges during this time,” Ms Giddings said.

Gretna cricket notes

FOLLOWING last weekend's junior marches, special mentions must go to three of the Gretna Cricket Club's former players: Darren Stevenson for buying a broom to sweep the water from the pitch, Kevin Williams for yet another top job with the scoring, and Owen Browning for not only umpiring the Under 13 game but also the Under 15 game at Rokeby. 

Thanks also to Jarrod Nossiter for again helping out with the scoring for the Under 15 game. His ever-sharp pencil keeps the book in great order.

We appreciate senior players Darren Lennox, Rhys Browning, Corey Ransley and Nathan Rainbird coming along to training last Friday night to present new playing tops to the juniors. The players look very smart in their tops, featuring the club colours and emblem. These same guys and Brian Smith helped out with the young Milo cricketers around at Glenora High School. The kids enjoyed every minute and I hear they nicknamed the guys the Big Milo Kids!