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Saturday, December 18, 2010

LETTER: A visitor's view

WE'VE just returned from eight great days in Tasmania, including three nights in New Norfolk. We enjoyed the accommodation on the Derwent, the historical and river walk and the friendly towns people, but we thought there was much needed to be done to encourage travellers like us to return.

1. While everywhere in the state was a blaze of colour, New Norfolk's High St didn't have a tree, shrub or planter box - despite there being numerous areas on the widened footpaths for tubs of flowers for example. The only skerrick of green was the roundabout with a couple of sorry dying plants surrounded by weeds. The whole impression was negative and unwelcoming. What does council plan for the street?

2. On Sunday night which was cold, windy and drizzly, we found we couldn't park outside the Chinese restaurant because only 30 minute parking was allowed - how absurd given there were no more than four cars parked in the entire street. We live near Manly in Sydney, which is a hugely popular tourist destination and after 6pm people have unlimited free street parking. Our response was to drive back to our accommodation and cook our own meal which was great for local business - not. Who decided to extend these restrictions to weekends and evenings and why? Is a review planned?

3. What's the story with Willow Court? We saw what are obviously lovely heritage buildings neglected and fenced off and while we were there a building was torched - a terrific news story for tourists.

N. Monshall


  1. > What does council plan for the [High] street?

    Adding plants in High Street seems a bit pointless. The town is surrounded by bush and the beautiful river. Council has done quite a bit over the years to improve High Street. Given the challenges faced in other streets, I think Council should direct attention elsewhere before wasting money on unnnecessary greenery in High Street.

    > Obviously lovely heritage buildings

    _Some_ of the buildings fall into that category and we really should do something about it, but many of the buildings are 20th century ugly.

    They probably also don't appreciate that Tasmania preserved a great many more old buildings than other states simply due to economic hardship and lack of need to knock them down. The result is that what might appear heritage to visitors is commonplace here. They only need to look around to see that.

  2. I think 20th Century Ugly, is in the eye of the beholder.
    What might be ugly now might be a building worth doing something about in a few years to come.
    Not protecting the site as a whole would ruin the sites historical significance.
