COVID-19 ADVICE: The following links provide official advice and information about the virus known as COVID-19.
Australia's state and federal governments are taking action to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Use the links above to source the latest advice about what you can do to protect yourself and others. Washing your hands for 20 seconds is one of the most effective forms of infection control. Do this after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; after close physical contact with anyone who is unwell; after using the toilet; before and after eating; before, during and after preparing food; and after feeding or touching a pet.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Council comments on bird removal

THE following statements about the death of birdlife at Tynwald Park, New Norfolk, are provided without alteration for those without access to Facebook.

Read the Mercury newspaper's coverage here:
SATURDAY: Council to investigate bird deaths
SUNDAY: Bird poisoning saga deepens

ORIGINAL STATEMENT, SATURDAY (Derwent Valley Council Facebook comment, unsigned):
We have been made aware of a situation regarding the removal of geese from Tynwald Park earlier today. Unfortunately, the geese have died during this process.
Neither elected members or council management were involved with the actions that led to this happening. We are extremely concerned at how this occurred and are taking it very seriously.
The General Manager is demanding an explanation and conducting a review into the decisions that led to this outcome.
We apologise for any distress this may have caused. We will make a further statement when we have identified all of the facts.

SATURDAY UPDATE: (Derwent Valley Council Facebook comment, unsigned):
Thank you for your patience while we have investigated what occurred at Tynwald Park yesterday.
A number of complaints from the community about excessive bird droppings together with ongoing damage to the playing field over the last couple of months led to Council Officers discussing how to remedy the situation at Tynwald Park.
One idea canvassed was to have a number of geese safely relocated to another part of the valley. After consulting with a veterinarian about sedative options, a council officer subsequently determined that the idea was not viable, determining to engage a pest management company to have the target geese humanely destroyed.
The licensed pest management company employed the use of a chemically laced bait which resulted in 14 geese and two ducks being destroyed. No native species were destroyed.
It was deemed safe to reopen the area for public use before the pest management company left the park as the bait had been removed.
We will be conducting further enquiries with council officers during the week to review the process and decision making which led to this outcome.
A further statement will be issued once these enquiries conclude next week.

SUNDAY UPDATE (Derwent Valley Council Facebook comment, unsigned):
A number of plovers have been found at Tynwald Park this morning, indicators suggest they have been poisoned. The plovers have been removed from the site so that no dogs or other animals can be affected.
A Council Officer is cordoning off the area and will be laying a thick layer of soil over the area to prevent any other wildlife being inadvertently poisoned.
The area will remain cordoned off until we can be 100% certain it is safe before allowing access to the public.

As the spokesperson for council I’m sorry, but I’m officially speechless. I have very limited detail and was only alerted to this late this afternoon.
As mentioned in the official release by council, elected members had absolutely no idea that this was occurring and in no way made this decision. I am also led to believe management were also not aware.
Unfortunately we do not have enough information to make further comment today but Management will be looking into this over the weekend and provide an update early next week.
On behalf of council I would like to apologise if this has caused anyone distress and be assured we will get to the bottom of this.

I would like to state I'm speaking on behalf of myself and not council. But after hearing today that the geese and ducks was removed from tynward park, lots of family's love to feed the geese and ducks and it was a big attraction for our younger generation like it is at Richmond (Let's hope that council don't remove them from there ). I can't see why council couldn't of communicated with the public because someone surely would of wanted them, council was quick to release a statement today to say they are not to blame, well council staff do not make these type of decisions they are normally directed to by management like the contractor employed to do the job staff can't release funds to pay them. I will be working hard to get the answers over the weekend and next week to make sure someone is countable for this inhumane act. Local government works by staff directed by management which they are directed by the general manager which he is directed by elected members. I have been on leave for the last 3 months but am back now and I haven't seen anything to do with making a decision re the ducks and geese nor have a seen any complaints about them. I feel for the kids parents and grand parents who use to use up their bread to spend hours watching and feeding the ducks and geese the younger generation got some much joy out of this, I will be chasing this up this week and won't let it go to I get answers for you all.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Councillor calls it quits

Anne Salt at a council
meeting earlier this year.
THE Willow Court historic site has lost one of its most passionate supporters on the Derwent Valley Council with the sudden resignation of Councillor Anne Salt on Friday. The news was made public yesterday with a report on the Mercury newspaper website.

Mrs Salt was the long-time chairwoman of the council's Friends of Willow Court Special Committee at the time of her election to council on a recount last March following the resignation of Cr Damian Bester, another advocate for the redevelopment of the site. Mrs Salt attended her first meeting as a councillor that May, and in October successfully contested her seat in last year's local government elections.

At last year's Friends of Willow Court annual general meeting she stood down as the committee's chair but was elected to the position of secretary. Earlier this year the Local Government Standards Panel dismissed several code of conduct complaints against Mrs Salt but issued her with a caution for neglecting to declare a conflict of interest when the council considered the Friends of Willow Court's expression of interest in developing the historic site.

At last week's monthly council meeting Mrs Salt declared an interest and left the chamber while the council once again considered the Friends of Willow Court proposal. The council resolved not to proceed with the group's proposal but thanked the committee for its efforts and encouraged it to work alongside its preferred developer, the Salamanca Arts Centre, noting the similarities in their ideas.

Mrs Salt has been invited to to provide a statement for publication.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Councillor questions Willow Court ownership plan

The overflowing public gallery at last week's council meeting.
LONG-TERM ownership of the section of Willow Court presently under Derwent Valley Council control is unclear as the council pursues an arts and culture concept proposed by the Salamanca Arts Centre and the recently-established Derwent Valley Arts, and the first stage of the New Norfolk Distillery project.

Among several decisions about Willow Court at last week's council meeting, it was decided to lease three buildings to the New Norfolk Distillery and to enter discussions with the Salamanca Arts Centre about two others. Two councillors declared conflicts of interest in the two proposals, with Cr Anne Salt leaving the room for both, while Cr Rachel Power opted to remain to take part in the debates.

The council was quizzed on several topics relating to Willow Court during public question time at the start of Thursday night's council meeting. With about 30 people in the public gallery, four members of the public asked questions about the proposed developments and long-term plans for the Willow Court site.

Contrasting with the misgivings from the public gallery, councillors expressed enthusiastic support for the Salamanca Arts Centre and New Norfolk Distillery propositions during discussion of those items.

In a written report, regional development officer Jess Dallas recommended that the council instruct general manager Greg Winton to negotiate acceptable terms allowing the Salamanca Arts and  Derwent Valley Arts to manage the Barracks building and Frescati House for the purposes of developing a community art space. This recommendation was moved by Cr Martyn Evans and seconded by deputy mayor Cr Jessica Cosgrove, with the inclusion of the mayor and two other councillors to participate in the negotiations.

In her report, Ms Dallas said a renewed interest in the arts as an economic and community driver in the Derwent Valley had to the founding of Derwent Valley Arts Incorporated (DVA) with the aim of working with businesses and community to encourage, promote and support arts in the region. She said the mayor and general manager had met representatives of DVA and the Salamanca Arts Centre (SAC) on May 8 to discuss adaptive re-use of the Barracks building and Frescati House. A proposal was soon received from SAC and on May 28 Ms Dallas provided a tour of the Barracks building.

Cr Anne Salt, who is secretary of the Friends
of Willow Court, removed herself from the
discussion of the Salamanca Arts Centre and
New Norfolk Distillery projects.
"SAC and DVA have entered into a memorandum of understanding that confirms their mutual goal  in the development and ongoing administration of a community arts space at Willow Court," Ms Dallas said in her report. "Both organisations believe that they have the experience, goodwill and resources to facilitate the development and ongoing use of the Barracks and Frescati House for community arts activities.

"The proposal put forward by SAC and DVA requests that the council work collaboratively with them to transfer the building to SAC and DVA. The terms of the proposed acquisition are yet to be  discussed in detail. This report requests the council to consider the proposal and instruct the general  manager to enter into discussions that would move the proposal forward. It is proposed that any acquisition would be complete by September 2019.

"SAC and DVA are proposing to work with heritage architects and consultants to progress plans to develop the buildings that have been identified as suitable for their proposed use. Upon transfer,  SAC and DVA would commence discussions with other parties including statutory authorities and agencies, Friends of Willow Court and Friends of Frescati to develop further plans.

"It is proposed that DVA will act in a local community liaison capacity to share the joint vision of the two organisations. Both organisations will be involved in consultations with architects and  consultants. DVA and SAC plan to develop a fundraising campaign which will invite interested  organisations and individuals to provide financial and other tangible forms of support to the project.

"The ultimate aim of the proposal is to develop a program that will provide a support and space for visual and performing artists to present a range of projects.  It is anticipated that the arts program would become operational in late 2019 to 2020 and would be an ongoing proposal."

Ms Dallas said the proposed discussions did not pose a significant risk to the council, but should the discussions result in a transfer of property, there may be  risks associated with the development of the property. "These risks would primarily be the responsibility of the proponents," she said.

Cr Martyn Evans addressing the meeting.
In discussion, Cr Evans said the Salamanca Arts Centre proposal was a great opportunity. He welcomed its proposal to set up an expert board and he commended the group on the community consultation it had already undertaken.

Cr Cosgrove said she had to agree 100% with everything Cr Evans had said. "Look, I think with the experience and resources that Salamanca Arts Centre have behind them, I think that this is just such an exciting opportunity for our community, we can finally move forward, we can finally have that area of Willow Court reactivated after 20 years."

Cr Rachel Power said she absolutely agreed. "So obviously I've consulted quite widely on this because I haven't lived in the Valley all my life and so when I came to the Valley Willow Court was on everyone's lips then and throughout all of the strategic planning sessions that I attended the need for the reinvigoration and for the adaptive reuse was clear."

Cr Power said she had been lobbied by ratepayers "from all sides of the argument" and had held discussions with industry professionals. "To inform my position on this proposal I haven't taken it lightly, I have taken it very widely and also very locally too."

Cr Julie Triffett also "totally agreed" with the previous speakers, and described the arts as the heart and soul of the community.  After this expression of support, Cr Triffett asked for clarification of the nature of the proposed acquisition of the buildings, noting that many in the community wanted to see Willow Court remain in public hands. "So I just wanted to know, does that mean  that they know does that mean lease, buy, rent, whatever? You can take that on notice, that's fine." Cr Triffett also asked whether the timeframe of September this year was achieveable. "I believe so," general manager Greg Winton replied.

Cr Luke Browning said he supported the recommendation and was looking forward to seeing the next report. "All the good comments have been taken up already," he said.

After further discussion it was resolved to appoint councillors Triffett and Power to work with the mayor and general manager on the negotiations with the Salamanca Arts Centre.

The question of future ownership of the council-controlled section of Willow Court came up again when the proposal to lease three buildings to the New Norfolk Distillery was discussed later in the meeting. Moving the motion, Cr Evans once again included a reference to the mayor and two councillors being included in the negotiations. This motion was also seconded by Cr Cosgrove.

Cr Rachel Power addressing the meeting.
Regional development officer Jess Dallas recommended that the councillors endorse the leasing of Alonnah House (A Ward), the Occupational Therapy building and its excercise yard, and Carlton House (C Ward) to the New Norfolk Distillery.

Ms Dallas also asked councillors to note the contents of two valuation reports, and a licence and a lease between the council and the New Norfolk Distillery, none of which were available for public inspection.

"In order to allow the proponents to commence cleaning and tidying of the site in preparation for construction, council’s legal representatives have been instructed to draw up a licence allowing limited access to the site," Ms Dallas said in her report. "If endorsed by the council, the licence will take effect after any appeals to the Development Application approved by the council have been concluded.

"The licence limits activity to the area specified in the Development Application approved by the council [on] 28 May 2019. Site cleaning and clearing activities are limited to those which are required to commence works specified in the Development Application approved by the council on 28 May 2019.

"The licence does not allow any demolition of existing structures, removal of permanent fixtures or construction, installation or building works, and is designed to facilitate a timely commencement of  construction once leasing arrangements have been finalised. The proposed licence is for a maximum  period of six months, providing an opportunity to negotiate an acceptable lease payment. It is not anticipated that the licence will run for its full term," Ms Dallas said.

Ms Dallas said the large C Ward exercise yard was not been included in her recommendation at this time as it was subject to discussions with another party. "Should that proposal go forward, the council may choose to lease the exercise yard separately and allow an easement or similar to allow passage between the buildings," she said in her report.

She said the proposed lease would provide certainty of tenure to the New Norfolk Distillery, and would facilitate the submission of a second development application enabling the proponents to progress their concept past the first stage. "The lease also provided a mechanism for further discussions should the council wish to sell all or part of the site," Ms Dallas said.

Councillors Julie Triffett, left, and Jessica Cosgrove.
In discussion, Cr Triffett said the number of agenda items about the site showed Willow Court had come of age. "The buildings can be adaptively reused, it's just brilliant. The only thing that the community that's spoken to me about the distillery is that it wants to stay, as I said before, they want the Willow Court site to stay in public hands, so I'm just putting that out there. But I think it's a brilliant idea, for the use of the buildings."

Cr Luke Browning sought to amend the motion to remove the Carlton building (C Ward) from the buildings under consideration for leasing to the distillery proponents. He proposed that the building be kept available for other potential uses, particularly as the distillery did not intend to make immediate use of it. He suggested that C Ward could be kept available for the Friends of Willow Court - whose own expression of interest in the site was rejected earlier in the meeting - or any other interested parties who might come forward as the site develops.

"Obviously there's going to be a lot of discussion and a lot of interest around this area now with things finally moving," he said. Cr Rachel Power asked if there had been any discussions with the distillery proponent on the impact of this change, with Cr Shaw responding that he did not know, but he believed the distillery did not intend to make use of the building for several years. Cr Evans said the intention was to restore C Ward for use as a bond store and if this was not available the developers would possibly have to build another bond store off site at greater cost. Cr Cosgrove said the amendment was further complicating the plan. "I love the plan for the distillery the developer has presented to us from the beginning," she said. The amendment failed, with only Cr Browning voting in favour of it.

Returning to the discussion of Cr Evans' motion, councillors agreed to add Cr Browning and Cr Cosgrove to join the negotiations with the New Norfolk Distillery for the lease agreement. The motion was carried unanimously.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

New Norfolk golf results

Golfers enjoying the view from the deck after playing a round
at the New Norfolk Golf Club.
New Norfolk Golf Club results

Saturday 22/6/19 Stableford
A Grade: A. Lowe 41, W. Coleman 38, G. Hack 37 c/b.
B Grade: L. Heron 44, G. Duggan 36 c/b, G. Bailey 36 c/b
C Grade: A. Leitch 40, K. Horne 38, W. Hodge 36
Nearest-the-pins: 3rd G. Heron, 6/15th G. Hack, 8/17th B. Watt, 11th G. Heron.
Superpin: G. Hack

Wednesday 19/6/19 Stroke
18 hole: B. Rice 92-28-64 c/b, G. Smith 79-15-64, L. McKenzie 78-11-67, T. Morgan 87-19-68 c/b, K. Horne 88-20-68. Birdie draw: T. Morgan
9 hole: D. Lowry 42-9 ½ -32 ½ c/b, R. Hoare 44- 11 ½-32 ½, G. Hack 39-6-33 c/b, T. Banks 43-10-33 c/b, K. Horne 43-10-33. Birdie draw: G. Hack

Anyone interested in joining the New Norfolk Golf Club as a playing member (there are clubs and buggies for hire), as a social member, or looking for a function venue, is welcome to contact the club for further information:
1 Howell Drive, New Norfolk, Tasmania. Phone: (03) 6261 2653
The club is available for hire for weddings, private functions etc.  The venue cost is free for a function of more than 40.

Regional role for Derwent Valley mayor

Cr Ben Shaw
FORMER mayor Martyn Evans has congratulated his successor, Ben Shaw, on his election to the general management committee of the Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) for a two-year term until July 2021.

Speaking at the monthly council meeting last Thursday night, Cr Evans asked that a letter of congratulations be sent to West Tamar mayor Christina Holmdahl on her election as president of the LGAT, noting that her council had kindly sent a contribution to new play equipment following last year's floods in the Derwent Valley. Cr Shaw said he was happy to write on behalf of the council.

Cr Evans went on to congratulate Cr Shaw on his election as one of two southern regional representatives on the LGAT's general management committee. "Thank you, Mr Mayor," Cr Shaw responded. "I guess our council nominated myself for the position, so it was nice to hear that I was elected by also, ah, - all the other southern councils vote on this as well - so it was nice to have the backing from all the other southern councils.

"I'll take it very seriously and I'm sure I'll gain lots of knowledge from from being on that board, so I appreciate the council's support."

Cr Martyn Evans speaking at the meeting.
In a statement issued the next morning, Derwent Valley Council communications officer Daniel Cheetham said Cr Shaw’s election would allow for a stronger voice and presence to advocate for Southern Tasmania.

In the same statement, Cr Shaw said it was reassuring that the southern Tasmanian councils had put their confidence in him. "I intend to fight for the Derwent Valley and other small communities in the south and make sure we’re helping to guide policy and strategy for the state," he said. "This includes seeking State and Federal focus on the issues impacting our communities and being a voice for the residents and local government areas across the region.”

Cr Shaw was elected as the representative of southern councils with a population of less than 20,000, and Alderman Brendan Blomely of the Clarence City Council was elected as the representative of southern councils with more than 20,000 residents. The new members of the GMC take up their positions after the LGAT annual general meeting on July 3.

This weekend's local footy scores

SENIORS: Played at Anzac Park, Lindisfarne, at 2pm yesterday
Lindisfarne 3.0-18 6.4-40 8.6-54 14.10-94
New Norfolk 5.4-34 9.6-60 12.10-82 13.11-89
Lindisfarne - Goal Kickers: M. Cassidy 5, T. Roberts 4, D. Reimers 2, M. Blackburn, R. Heald, R. Martin; Best Players: J. Young, R. Martin, B. Tennick, S. Adams, A. Gaul, D. Johns.
New Norfolk - Goals: M. Parker 5, J. Bearman 2, A. Burgess 2, J. Clifford, J. Wigg, J. County, B. Lovell; Best: J. Wigg, T. Eiszele, A. Burgess, M. Parker, J. Daley, C. Morgan

WOMEN: Played at Pontville Park, at 1.30pm yesterday
Brighton 2.5-17 9.8-62 17.11-113 25.18-168
New Norfolk 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Brighton - Goals: T. Ford 7, T. Ford 6, E. Groves 5, M. Gray 2, A. Knowles, S. Quarrell, S. Medhurst, S. Pennicott, S. Bryan; Best Players: T. Ford, D. Triffett, M. Gray, K. Woodham, S. Bryan, D. Denehey.
New Norfolk - Best: S. Devine, C. Percey, J. Skelly, K. Rainbird, N. McKenzie, B. Bartels.

RESERVES: Played at Anzac Park, Lindisfarne, at noon yesterday
Lindisfarne 4.5-29 8.6-54 13.9-87 18.12-120
New Norfolk 3.0-18 4.0-24 4.2-26 5.3-33
Lindisfarne - Goals: B. Van Kraanen 5, T. Bracken 4, J. Wilton 2, M. Blacklow, T. Jackson, J. Sturzaker, S. Clark, J. Press, R. Hodge, B. Phillips; Best: J. Sturzaker, B. Dean, N. Cranfield, O. Rand, T. Bracken.
New Norfolk - Goals: B. Ransley 2, Z. Triffett, Z. Slater, J. Ransley; Best Players: J. Ransley, T. Bligh , Z. Harris, J. Walsh, J. Foster, L. Browning.

RESERVES: Played at Anzac Park, Lindisfarne, at 10am yesterday
Lindisfarne 7.3-45 9.11-65 13.17-95 17.23-125
New Norfolk 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2-2
Lindisfarne - Goals: C. Harris 4, D. Woodham 4, J. Paolini 3, S. Smith 2, J. Heffernan, T. Currie, N. Plunkett, J. Gregory; Best: D. Woodham, S. Smith, J. Gregory, A. McKay, T. Currie, N. Plunkett
New Norfolk - Best: W. Banks, J. George, C. Keleher, T. Lovell, E. Holden, S. Walker

Saturday June 29
COLTS: New Norfolk v Hobart at Boyer Oval, 10am
RESERVES: New Norfolk v Hobart at Boyer Oval, noon
SENIORS: New Norfolk v Hobart at Boyer Oval, 2pm

Sunday June 30
WOMEN: New Norfolk v The Port (Cygnet) at Cygnet, 2.30pm

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Farewell to Edna "Gillem" Reid

Edna "Gillem" Reid in 1996 with her painting
Garden of Cosmos.
THE life of New Norfolk artist Edna "Gillem" Reid will be celebrated and fondly remembered at her funeral at St Matthew's Anglican Church on Monday.

Originally from New South Wales, Mrs Reid moved to New Norfolk as a girl in the mid-1950s and became a key community member. She died at the Hobart Private Hospital on June 16, aged 79.

Well-known as an artist in later years, Mrs Reid initially worked as a tracer in the draughting office at the Boyer newsprint mill. She met and married local boy Garry Reid and together they raised three children, Susan, Arthur and Stephen.

As her prominence as a painter grew in the 1990s, many came to know her by her artistic name Gillem rather than Edna. "Gillem" was a composite of her maiden name: Gill, Edna May.

She painted murals around the town, taught Adult Education classes and was a member of the Derwent Valley Regional Arts. She had a keen interest in the recently-established Derwent Valley Arts group's proposal for an arts and culture precinct at Willow Court. Edna and Garry were both keen gardeners and in 2005 Edna was named the Derwent Valley Council's Australia Day Citizen of the Year.

Mrs Reid is survived by her husband Garry and their three children, seven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Her funeral at St Matthew's Anglican Church in Bathurst St, New Norfolk, will be held at noon on Monday. Donations to the Asthma Foundation may be made at the service in lieu of flowers.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Saturday road weather warning

Bureau of Meteorology


Road Weather Alert for Tasmania
for Central Plateau, Midlands and Upper Derwent Valley forecast districts

Issued at 3:50pm on Friday 21 June 2019.

Icy roads will make driving conditions dangerous during Saturday in parts of the Central Plateau, Midlands and Upper Derwent Valley forecast districts.

For information on any road closures, please contact your local council or the Police.

The next alert will be issued by 11pm Friday.

Arts hub future for Willow Court

AN arts and culture hub will be established at New Norfolk’s Willow Court under a proposal given in-principle support at last night’s monthly meeting of the Derwent Valley Council. In one of five agenda items dealing directly with the former convict hospital site, the council agreed to enter negotiations to allow the Salamanca Arts Centre to manage two key buildings in the council-owned section of the property.

Meeting in the New Norfolk Courthouse last night, the council also agreed to lease three other buildings on the site to the New Norfolk Distillery and authorised the general manager, mayor and two councillors to enter negotiations on a suitable rental price.

In two items proposed by the Friends of Willow Court, the council approved that group’s calendar of events for 2019-20, but declined to proceed with its Expression of Interest in the site. Councillors instead encouraged the Friends to work with the Salamanca Arts Centre, noting the similarities between their propositions.
Councillor Anne Salt’s proposal to reduce the price of entry for school groups visiting Willow Court was approved, although Cr Martyn Evans pointed out that Cr Salt’s assertion that it had been cheaper for schoolchildren to visit the local swimming pool was incorrect as hourly rates applied at the pool.

The agenda documents for the open section of the meeting can be viewed at the council chambers in New Norfolk or on the council website.


Road weather warning

Bureau of Meteorology


Road Weather Alert for Tasmania
for Central North, Central Plateau, Midlands and Upper Derwent Valley forecast districts

Issued at 5:09 am on Friday 21 June 2019.

Icy roads will make driving conditions dangerous during Friday morning in parts of the Central North, Central Plateau, Midlands and Upper Derwent Valley forecast districts.

.For information on any road closures, please contact your local council or the Police.

The next alert will be issued by 11am Friday.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Willow Court topics on the table

The southern wing of the "barracks"
building at Willow Court.
WILLOW Court is the subject of multiple agenda items up for discussion at the monthly meeting of the Derwent Valley Council in the New Norfolk Courthouse this evening.

In one of the first items to be debated, Councillor Anne Salt proposes that the cost of tours at Willow Court for school groups be aligned with similar charges to use the local swimming pool. Cr Salt, who is secretary of the Friends of Willow Court group which conducts tours of the site, says this cost would be $3 per person instead of the current charge for Willow Court at $110 opening fee plus $6 per person. Cr Salt also proposes a review of the fee structure for access to council-owned areas at Willow Court.

Later in the meeting the council will consider the latest calendar of events proposed by the Friends of Willow Court for 2019-20. Regional development officer Jess Dallas recommends conditional approval of the calendar of events but notes that if developments at Willow Court move forward and/or any sections of the site are sold or leased to other operators, the approval for Friends of Willow Court to use the areas affected will no longer be valid.

In the next item relating to Willow Court, Ms Dallas has recommended that councillors allow general manager Greg Winton to negotiate with the Salamanca Arts Centre and Derwent Valley Arts on their proposal to manage the Willow Court barracks building and nearby Frescati House. In her report Ms Dallas notes that the groups have asked for the buildings to be transferred to them, but the terms of the proposed acquisition are yet to be discussed in detail. "The ultimate aim of the proposal is to develop a program that will provide a support and space for visual and performing artists to present a range of projects.  It is anticipated that the arts program would become operational in late 2019 to 2020 and would be an ongoing proposal," Ms Dallas says in her report.

The fourth item deals with an expression of interest from the Friends of Willow Court for adaptive re-use of the Willow Court site. This matter has been on the table for more than a year and the regional development officer asks councillors to decide on the progression of the group's EOI submission.

The fifth and final Willow Court item on tonight's meeting agenda recommends that the council agree to lease three buildings and a small yard to the New Norfolk Distillery. Ms Dallas proposes that the general manager be authorised to negotiate a suitable rental price.

Tonight's council meeting will be held at 6pm in the New Norfolk Courthouse in Circle St. The agenda documents for the open section of the meeting can be viewed at the council chambers in New Norfolk or on the council website.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Thursday road weather warning

Bureau of Meteorology

Road Weather Alert for Tasmania
for Central North, Western, Central Plateau, Midlands and Upper Derwent Valley forecast districts

Issued at 3:07 mpm on Wednesday 19 June 2019.

Icy roads will make driving conditions dangerous during Thursday morning in parts of the Central North, Western, Central Plateau, Midlands and Upper Derwent Valley forecast districts.
For information on any road closures, please contact your local council or the Police.

The next alert will be issued by 11pm Wednesday.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

New Norfolk golf results

Foggy conditions at the golf club.

Saturday 15/6/2019 Stroke:
A Grade gross: L. Post 71, G. Heron 80, B. Watt 83; Nett: A. Lowe 79-8-71, D. Stevenson 78-6-72, J. Wilton 82-9-73.

B Grade gross: M. Tangata 80, A. Richardson 84 c/b, S. Ackerly 84; Nett: G. Hack 77-13-64, A. Watts 84-17-67, D. Post 67-17-69.

C Grade gross: B. Coy 85, D. page 87, L. Dittman 88; Nett: M. Gibson 94-30-64, T. Banks 87-20-67 c/b, B. Hall 88-21-67.
Nearest-the-pin: 3rd B. Loster, 6/15th K, Horne, 8/17th J. Wilton, 11th I. Holthouse. Superpin: J. Wilton

Wednesday 12/6/19 Stableford:
18 hole: A. Bewley 43, J. Hastie 40, K. Metcalfe 37 c/b, R. Rainbird 37, G. Hack. Birdie draw: T. Hardwick.
9 hole: K. Metcalf 20 c/b, B. Crowley 20, G. Hack 19 c/b, G.  Smith 19, A. Bewley 18 c/b. Birdie draw: D. Page.

Anyone interested in joining the New Norfolk Golf Club as a playing member (there are clubs and buggies for hire), as a social member, or looking for a function venue, is welcome to contact the club for further information:
1 Howell Drive, New Norfolk, Tasmania. Phone: (03) 6261 2653
The club is available for hire for weddings, private functions etc.  The venue cost is free for a function of more than 40.

Save the date: Westerway movie night

THE Westerway Community Hall will be the venue for a school holiday movie night presented by the Derwent Valley Youth Future Action Team (D'FAT) and the Salvation Army on Saturday, July 13.

The movie is How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World, the final installment in the How to Train Your Dragon film trilogy. Released in January, the computer-animated action fantasy film is the sequel to How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014), which followed 2010's How to Train Your Dragon, loosely based on the 2003 book of the same name by British author Cressida Cowell.

Entry costs just $2 per person and the event will start at 7pm. Food and drinks will be available on site. Children under six (accompanied by a paying adult) will be admitted free. This is a drug and alcohol-free event.

For more information contact D'FAT by emailing, looking up the Facebook page or by calling Matt on 0459 096 003.

Click image to enlarge.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

This weekend's local football scores


SENIORS: Played at Snug Park at 2pm
Cygnet 2.2 (14) 5.7 (37) 10.10 (70) 12.11 (83)
New Norfolk 3.5 (23) 5.7 (37) 9.10 (64) 12.12 (84)
Cygnet - Goal Kickers: B. Halton 3, J. Dance 2, J. Direen 2, T. Cowen, N. Clifford, B. Livingston, R. Schuth, A. Palmer; Best Players: R. Schuth, K. Nielsen, N. Duggan, B. Halton, R. Jennings, P. O'Neill.
New Norfolk - Goals: M. Parker 4, J. County 3, B. Wardlaw, J. King, B. Ransley, J. Wigg, B. Lovell; Best: M. Parker, J. Daley, J. Wigg, J. County, R. Heron, A. Burgess.

RESERVES: Played at Snug Park at noon
Cygnet 0.1 (1) 1.2 (8) 3.4 (22) 4.6 (30)
New Norfolk 4.3 (27) 7.5 (47) 12.6 (78) 15.8 (98)
Cygnet - Goal Kickers: C. Stockfeld 2, S. Clark, L. Smith; Best Players: J. Brett, G. Brereton, B. Smith, D. Millhouse, J. Direen, M. Coulson.
New Norfolk - Goals: C. ransley 6, J. Ransley 2, K. Walker 2, A. Drew 2, J. Fisher-Cooley, D. Morgan, J. Foster; Best: L. Browning, B. Tomlin, R. Graham, D. Triffitt, J. Walsh.

COLTS: Played at Snug Park at 4.30pm
Southern Storm 5.4 (34) 7.6 (48) 10.11 (71) 12.14 (86)
New Norfolk 1.0 (6) 4.1 (25) 5.1 (31) 5.1 (31)
Southern Storm - Goal Kickers: K. Wouters 2, N. Clifford 2, L. Ashlin 2, M. Bastick, J. Zeitzen, C. Slater, L. Paton, K. Francis, J. Coad; Best Players: J. Coad, K. Francis, M. Bastick, B. Dowling, E. Lovell, C. Slater.
New Norfolk - Goals: J. Miller 3, B. Howlett, J. Triffett; Best: H. Davis, J. George, J. Miller, C. Keleher, S. Walker, E. Holden.

WOMEN: Played at Boyer Oval on Sunday (June 16)
New Norfolk 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Claremont 3.5 (23) 7.10 (52) 12.15 (87) 17.18 (120)
Claremont - Goal Kickers: B. Mckeever 3, T. Tangata 3, I. King 2, E. Edwards 2, G. Bailey 2, K. Mayne, C. Lovell, S. Roberts, S. Wylie, A. Fitzpatrick; Best Players: S. Griffiths, C. Lovell, E. Edwards, A. Fitzpatrick , E. Siely, B. McKeever.
New Norfolk: not provided.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Walsh named Red Caps' best for 2018/19

Trophy donor and NNCC life member Adrian Eiszele, left,
presents the Best Club Person Award to Josh Walsh.
ANOTHER successful season for the New Norfolk Cricket Club was celebrated at the annual trophy presentation dinner at the New Norfolk District Football Clubrooms.

Among the many trophy winners the highly-regarded favourite, Josh Walsh, was presented with the big award - the Charlie Eiszele Perpetual Trophy for the Best Club Person. Walsh’s contribution to the club is second to none. He is the club’s junior president, a junior coach and a senior player just to name a few of his roles.

Batsman Jordan Willoughby took out the First Grade Club Champion Award (Lyn Harris Memorial Trophy) with 757 points. Willoughby had a fantastic season with the bat making 534 runs, which also saw him take out the batting aggregate award.

Stewart Rice showed age is no barrier, taking out the Third Grade Club Champion Award with 633 points while Nathan Heron took out the same award in Fifth Grade with 625 points. Of the women’s awards, captain Hannah Mann took out the best all-rounder trophy.

In Third Grade, premiership captain Jake “Don Bradman” King had an exceptional season making 509 runs with an outstanding average of 101.80. King guided his team to winning both the T20 and 50-over premierships of which the team won 18 matches from 19 played.

Nathan Rice and his mother Sharyn Rice.
The function on May 25 was a great night for the club with a big attendance of some 88 people in attendance. The band the Dirty Birds played great live music through out the night and a great meal was enjoyed by all.

The club thanks all of its valued trophy donors and sponsors DRV Welding and Fabrication, Burn Function Fitness, Schweppes, Specialised Industrial Products, 9/11 Bottle Shops, New Norfolk District Football Club Rooms and Banjo’s New Norfolk. Special guests in attendance were Craig Farrell MLC and Lee Farrell, Cr Julie Triffett and Brian Mitchell MHR.

Looking to next season, the club has reappointed Jason Rigby as head coach and Seb Wishart as assistant coach (batting). With three senior men’s teams, one senior women’s team and two junior teams, the club is in great shape and with plans in the wind to have the Tynwald Park facilities upgraded to have both men’s and women’s change rooms, a function area and a new kitchen, the club looks forward to a vibrant future.

At the club’s annual general meeting held on May 26, the following office bearers and committee members were elected for the 2019/20 season. Office bearers - president: Jamie Hill; vice president: Daniel Vagg; junior president: Joshua Walsh; treasurer: Nathan Heron; secretary: Tammy Hill; assistant secretary: Trent Mayne: association delegate: Trent Mayne.

Committee members elected were: Adrian Eiszele, Rohan Heron, Leigh Berry, Stephen Nichols, Tony Clay, Glenn Heron, Lisa East, Steve Sillifant, Teena Sillifant, Kelly Read and Tania Morgan



New Norfolk II 3rd Grade premiership players, back from left:
Richard Graham, Jye Bearman, Cody Neads, Chris Ashcroft,
Dave Mitchelmore and Leigh Berry; front: Jordan Banks-Smith,
Aaron Drew, Cody Morgan, Jamie Hill and Josh Walsh; absent:
Jake King (captain) and Stewart Rice.
Charlie Eiszele Perpetual Trophy - Best Club Person (donated by Adrian Eiszele): Josh Walsh; Club Champions - 1st Grade: Jordan Willoughby 757 points (Lyn Harris Memorial Trophy donated by Daniel and Anita Vagg; 3rd Grade: Stewart Rice 633 points (donated by Glenn and Robyn); 5th Grade: Nathan Heron 625 points (donated by Banjos New Norfolk).

Batting aggregate - 1st Grade (donated by Stewart and Sharyn Rice): Jordan Willoughby, 534 runs; 3rd Grade (donated by Tammy Hill): Jake King, 509 runs; 5th Grade (donated by Anthony Bewley): Steve Sillifant, 397 runs.

Batting average - 1st Grade (donated by Tania and Dave): Seb Wishart, 49.90; 3rd Grade (donated by Rohan Heron: Jake King, 101.80; 5th Grade (donated by Nathan Heron: Steve Sillifant, 33.08.

Bowling aggregate - 1st Grade (donated by  Vicki Morgan): Jye Lester, 21 wickets); 3rd Grade (donated by Kev Sturzaker): Stewart Rice, 27 wickets; 5th Grade (donated by Steve and Teena):  Nathan Heron, 25 wickets.

Bowling average - 1st Grade (donated by the Morgan Family): Jordon Willoughby, 14.69; 3rd Grade (donated by Cr Julie Triffett): Richard Graham, 8.05; 5th Grade (donated by Heiko and Julie Hannibal): Nathan Heron, 13.16.

New Norfolk Women’s team, back from left: coach Brad Kemmler,
Kelley Kemmler, Teagan Kemmler, Tania Morgan, Teena Sillifant,
Amber Butler; front: captain Hannah Mann, Lisa East, Kelly Read.
Women’s team - Best Batter: Kelly Read (donated by Jessica Whelan); Best Bowler: Kelly Kemmler (donated by Jessica Whelan); Best All Rounder: Hannah Mann (donated by Lisa Nossiter); and Coaches Award: Amity Booth (donated by Brad Kemmler).

Special awards - Best First-Year player (donated by Seb Wishart): Jye Lester; Coaches Award (Donated by Jason Rigby): Richard Graham; Duck Award (donated by Stephen Nichols): Jordan Banks-Smith 10; Best Under 21 (donated by Glen and Rachel Williams): Jye Lester; Encouragement Award (donated by Josh Walsh): Luke Jarvis; Most Improved (donated by Leigh Berry): David Mitchelmore.

Most catches - 1st Grade (donated by Banjos New Norfolk): Matt Bowden, 11; 3rd Grade (donated by Adam Nossiter): Leigh Berry, 11; 5th Grade (donated by Banjo's New Norfolk): Steve Sillifant, 8.

Best fielder - 1st Grade (donated by Jamie Hill); Jordan Banks-Smith, 8 votes; 3rd Grade (donated by Daniel and Anita Vagg): Jye Bearman, 5 votes): 5th Grade (donated by Trent Mayne): Rhys Franklin, 5 votes.

Best T20 player - 1st Grade (donated by Tony Clay): Seb Wishart; 3rd Grade (donated by Craig Farrell MLC): Richard Graham; 5th Grade (donated by PRD Nationwide/Paul Reed): Nathan Heron.

Chris Ashcroft, Penelope Coogan, Amy Williams, Nathan Heron
and Jason Rigby at the trophy night.
Best in Finals (donated by Brian Mitchell MHR) - 1st Grade: Seb Wishart; 3rd Grade: Cody Neads.

100s: Jake King, 172 v Old Beach (donated by Cr Julie Triffett); Jake King 130no v Old Beach ( (Donated by Banjos New Norfolk); Chris Ashcroft 102 v Old Beach (donated by NNDFC Clubrooms); Ryan Banks-Smith 116 v Bagdad (donated by Craig Farrell MLC); Jordan Banks-Smith 119 v Montagu Bay (donated by Craig Farrell MLC); Jason Rigby 115no v Montagu Bay (donated by Senator Steve Martin); Rohan Heron 100 v Rokeby (donated by Senator Steve Martin).

5fas: Nathan Heron 6-33 v Brighton (donated by NNDFC Clubrooms; Rhys Franklin 5-6 v Brighton (donated by Vicki Morgan);  Stu Muir 5-16 v Bushy Park (donated by Craig Farrell MLC); Richard Graham 5-28 v Mackillop (donated by Jessica Whelan); Richard Graham 5-19 v Campania (donated by Jessica Whelan); Jamie Hill 6-24 v Richmond (donated by Guy Barnett MHA); Jye Lester 5-21 v Rokeby (donated by Guy Barnett MHA); Josh Walsh 7-7 v Campania (donated by Schweppes).

New Norfolk Cricket Club Life members, back from left: Graeme Rowlands,
Stephen Nichols, Adrian Eiszele, Rohan Heron, Adrian Rowlands; front: Tony
Clay, Chris Ashcroft, Sharyn Rice, Glenn Heron, Wendy Rowlands, Jamie Hill
and Nathan Heron.

New Norfolk golf results

A visitor at the New Norfolk Golf Club.

Saturday 8/6/19, final round Windsor Trophy
A Grade: W. Coleman 34 c/b, B. Watt 34 c/b, L. Post 34.
B Grade: A. Watts 40, S. Ackerly 37 c/b, M. Tangata 37.
C Grade: B. Hall 39 c/b, D. O’Neill 39, T. Banks 38.
Nearest-the-pins: 3rd L. Post, 6/15th R. Hoare, 8/17th J. Kinloch, 11th no takers. Superpin: R. Hoare.
Windsor Trophy winner: P. Wilton.

Wednesday 5/6/19 Stroke
18 hole: A. Watts 81-17-64, R. Rainbird 82-17-65, G. Smith 82-15-67, J. Broadhead 98-30-68 c/b, J. Kinloch 82-14-68. Birdie draw: G. Hack
9 hole: G. Smith 39-7 ½-31½, G. Hack 38-6-32 c/b, J. Broadhead 47-15-32, A. Watts 42-8 ½-33 ½ c/b, Z.  Lowry 44-10-33½. Birdie draw: Z. Lowry.

Anyone interested in joining the New Norfolk Golf Club as a playing member (there are clubs and buggies for hire), as a social member, or looking for a function venue, is welcome to contact the club for further information:
1 Howell Drive, New Norfolk, Tasmania. Phone: (03) 6261 2653
The club is available for hire for weddings, private functions etc.  The venue cost is free for a function of more than 40.

Water off in town centre

6PM UPDATE: TasWater says water supply has been restored in the town centre but some customers may experience discolouration while crews continue to clear the line. If this happens, TasWater suggests running the outside tap closest to your water meter for about 10 minutes until the water runs clear. If  ongoing water quality issues continue after that, call 13 69 92.

3PM UPDATE: A water trailer will be available at the Council Chambers in Circle St (bring your own containers)

2.30PM UPDATE: The estimated restoration time has been extended to 6pm.

EARLIER: TASWATER advises that customers in High St, Richmond St, Burnett St, Charles St, Stephen St, Pioneer Ave, George St, Hill St and surrounding areas in New Norfolk, are currently affected by an emergency water outage due to a burst water main.

The disruption was reported just before 7am. The company says crews are on site and 2pm is the approximate restoration time. More information:

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Norske lights up for Dark Mofo

Norkse Skog's Boyer mill has once again turned on the red floodlights to
illuminate the factory's riverfront buildings in celebration of the annual
Dark Mofo festival.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Supermarket burglar sought

A person trying to open the cigarette cabinet Value Plus Fairview.
in the early hours of Tuesday morning. 
THE operators of New Norfolk's Value Plus Supermarket hope local residents may be able to identify the person who broke into the business in the early hours of today (Tuesday).

They have posted several security camera videos on Facebook and have asked for any information to be provided privately.

Situated on Benjamin Tce at Fairview, the local business was burgled early this morning. The videos show a person in a "hoody" trying to force the front doors, but failing to gain entry.

Returning a short time later, the person appear to use a bat to smash a window. Once inside they unsuccessfully attempted to access the cigarette cabinet with bolt-cutters before fleeing.

Information can be given anonymously to Crime Stoppers by calling 1800 333 000 or online at

Road weather warning

Bureau of Meteorology

Road Weather Alert for Tasmania
for Central Plateau, Midlands and Upper Derwent Valley forecast districts

Issued at 3:54pm on Tuesday 4 June 2019.

Icy roads will make driving conditions dangerous during Wednesday morning in parts of the Central Plateau, Midlands and Upper Derwent Valley forecast districts.
For information on any road closures, please contact your local council or the Police.

The next alert will be issued by 11pm Tuesday.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Friends present their vision for Willow Court

A SERIES of public and private meetings is being held by the Friends of Willow Court to promote the group's proposals for the historic former hospital site in central New Norfolk.

The group last year lodged a formal expression of interest with the Derwent Valley Council for use of council-owned sections of the Willow Court site, but no news of its progress was revealed until last month's council meeting in a report from regional development officer Jess Dallas.

Ms Dallas said the Friends of Willow Court expression of interest (EOI) had been assessed by a panel of councillors and referred to a closed council meeting held on June 21 last year. "Following the meeting, Friends of Willow Court was advised of the decision of the council which included that the Friends of Willow Court were to provide the council with a framework to develop the concepts provided in the EOI. The decision also noted the council was not prohibited from exploring opportunities from developers who may approach with unsolicited proposals," Ms Dallas said in her written report.

"On Thursday, 9 May 2019, Dr Helen Norrie from the School of Architecture and Design at the University of Tasmania presented a proposal to the council on behalf of the Friends. The proposal outlined the vision that the Friends of Willow Court have for the precinct. Friends of Willow Court have sought the permission of the council to present that document, Willow Court Future Vision ...TRACES... to the community, heritage and government," Ms Dallas said.

"The original EOI document contained a provision stating that any proponent making a submission during the EOI process must seek the written permission of the council prior to making a public disclosure about their submission. This provision and other confidentiality provisions were included to ensure that commercial-in-confidence and other confidential information was protected.

"As a product of the confidentiality clauses contained within the EOI documentation, the Friends of Willow Court are of the opinion that they have not had the same opportunities to discuss their proposal as other unsolicited proposals received outside the EOI process have had the opportunity to seek the view of the public."

Ms Dallas recommended that councillors permit the Friends of Willow Court to present their proposal to the public, and this was moved by Cr Martyn Evans and seconded by Cr Julie Triffett. Cr Rachel Power said the Friends of Willow Court had given a great presentation and had put together a lot of really good information. "I am looking forward to seeing a bit more about the costings and a bit more of a progression of that into what we sort of expect from an EOI," she said. The motion was carried unanimously, with the exception of Cr Anne Salt, secretary of the Friends of Willow Court, who had declared an interest and left the room.

With permission to go public, the Friends of Willow Court gave the first of several private briefings on May 20, and on May 24 issued a statement advising of a public meeting to be held on June 5.

"Friends of Willow Court recently presented their vision for the Future of Willow Court to the Derwent Valley Council," Cr Salt said in the press release. "This response to the council’s call for expressions of interest involves a staged plan for a community-led long-term vision for the site, through a collaboration with the Derwent Valley Arts.

"It includes the development of community spaces, with a balance of community and commercial leases, and a governance structure comprising of a skills-based board and expert advisory panel to oversee the redevelopment and ongoing management of council owned portions of the site."

Cr Salt said the vision was framed around six strategies based on the acronym "TRACES".

  • TRAILS and tours around the site, New Norfolk and beyond;
  • RESTORATION and reuse of the buildings that remain in public ownership;
  • ACTIVATION and access to these buildings;
  • CURATORS and custodians, drawing on local knowledge to draw together the history of the site;
  • EMPOWERING and engaging people through skills training in building, gardening and cooking;
  • SIGNAGE and sites more clearly marked, creating connections between the High St and Willow Court.

A public meeting to present the TRACES proposal to the community will be held at 6pm this Wednesday, June 5, at the Lions Club of New Norfolk, off Humphrey St, New Norfolk.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

This weekend's local footy scores

New Norfolk 3.2-20 5.3-33 9.4-58 13.12-90
Dodges Ferry 1.1-7 2.3-15 2.5-17 3.5-23
New Norfolk - Goal Kickers: B. Howlett 7, C. Triffett 3, J. Miller, T. Rainbird, Z. Holloway; Best Players: J. Triffett, W. Banks, B. Howlett, H. Davis, S. Walker, J. Triffett.
Dodges Ferry - Goals: W. Harris 2, M. Sutton; Best: W. Harris, Z. Wilson, R. O'Connell, K. Wilcox, C. Apted, M. Sutton.

New Norfolk 3.1-19 4.2-26 6.6-42 6.6-42
Brighton 2.2-14 4.4-28 6.5-41 9.6-60
New Norfolk - Goals: C. Ransley 4, R. Graham, R. Thomason; Best: T. Bligh, R. Heron, J. King, J. Walsh, C. Ransley, K. Walker.
Brighton - Goals: S. Bond 2, A. McCarthy, B. Whyte, R. Abay, T. Taylor, D. Ford, R. Randall, A. Hollingsworth; Best: B. Whyte, M. Coppleman, M. Howlett, A. Hollingsworth, D. Ford, F. Morrison.

New Norfolk 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
University 6.3-39 11.8-74 15.11-101 21.16-142
New Norfolk - Best: N. McKenzie, T. Gebel, K. Rainbird, K. Slater, B. Bartels, J. Flakemore.
University - Goals: H. Simpson 5, A. Dance 4, A. Pottinger 2, K. Newton 2, A. Dowling 2, E. Kierath, E. Philpott, C. Marquis, M. McLoughlin, S. Ikin, A. Mackintosh; Bests: J. Hutchins, A. Madsen, A. Dowling, S. Ikin, A. Dance, H. Simpson.


NEXT GAMES: June 15/16 following competition bye.

New Norfolk golf results

Approaching one of the greens at the New Norfolk Golf Club.
New Norfolk Golf Club

Saturday 1/6/19 Stroke Monthly Medal
A Grade gross: J. Smith 73, L. Post 74, P. Wilton 83 c/b; Nett: G. Heron 72-6-66, D. Stevenson 75-7-68, I. Holthouse 80-11-69.
B Grade gross: D. Dureau 82, M. Tangata 88 c/b, M. Smith 88; Nett: S. Ackerly 76-13-63, G. Duggan 81-14-67, J. Kinloch 86-14-72.
C Grade gross: B. Coy 92, D. Page 96, P. Foster 98; Nett: I. Welsh 96-23-73 c/b, D. Giles 92-19-73, T. Banks 95-21-74.
Nearest-the-pins: 3rd G. Heron, 6/15th B. Hall, 8/17th F. Carmichael, 11th G. Bailey. Superpin: F. Carmichael.
Monthly Medal winner: S. Ackerly 76-13-63.

Wednesday 29/5/19 Stableford
18 hole: R. Hoare 45, J. Broadhead 36, M. Smith 33, A. Watts 32, J. Kinloch 31. Birdie draw: M. Smith.
9 hole: R. Hoare 21, J. Broadhead 16, J. Kinloch 15, A. Watts 14 c/b, D. Pursell 14. Birdie draw: J. Kinloch.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

How you voted in the 2019 Federal Election

TWO weeks after the 2019 Federal Election, only 34 of the 151 seats in the House of Representatives have been declared, with the local division of Lyons among those where counting is still to be completed. Despite the delay, the most likely result is that the sitting member, Brian Mitchell of the Australian Labor Party will be returned for a second term.

Yesterday was the final day that the Australian Electoral Commission was required to wait for postal votes to be received, allowing the full distribution of preferences to start in those seats where it was needed.

First preference results from local polling booths follow below, published in the order provided by the AEC. Despite recording an over all increase in his vote, Mr Mitchell's vote declined at booths in the Derwent Valley. 

Votes for the Liberal Party also declined at the same booths, by a larger margin, with many of those votes seemingly going to the National Party candidate. Brighton councillor Jessica Whelan was the Liberal candidate until being disendorsed during the campaign. She continued as an independent candidate but her name was already printed on the ballot papers as a Liberal. The Liberal party instead advised its supporters to vote for the Nationals candidate Deanna Hutchinson.

Another Brighton councillor, Tennille Murtagh ran as a candidate for Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party. The other candidates in Lyons were Gary Whisson for the Greens and Michael Warne for the United Australia Party.

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 48, 13.48% (+13.48%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 150, 42.13% (-0.36%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 30, 8.43% (-1.97%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation), 30, 8.43% (+8.43%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 73, 20.51% (13.88%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 25, 7.02% (+7.02%)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 43, 14.19% (+14.19%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 113, 37.29% (-2.39%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 22, 7.26% (+1.78%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 30, 9.90% (+9.90%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 70, 23.10% (-22.71%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 25, 8.25% (+8.25%)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 65, 11.34% (+11.34%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 219, 38.22% (-8.81%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 39, 6.81% (+1.67%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 51, 8.90% (+8.90%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 153, 26.70% (-10.22%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 46, 8.03% (+8.03%)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 40, 9.17% (+9.17%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 207, 47.48% (-0.27%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 54, 12.39% (-2.98%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 37, 8.49% (+8.49%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 67, 15.37% (-11.11%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 31, 7.11% (+7.11%)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 73, 13.64% (+13.64%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 21, 39.25% (-10.07%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 19, 3.55% (-0.13%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 58, 10.84% (+10.84%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 123, 22.99% (-14.92%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 52, 9.72% (+9.72%)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 30, 9.68% (+9.68%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 137, 44.19% (-2.59%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 41, 13.23% (-1.35%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 30, 9.68% (+9.68%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 58, 18.71% (-10.78%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 14, 4.52% (+4.52%)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 261, 13.29% (+13.29%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 942, 47.96% (-4.95%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 159, 8.10% (+0.51%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 171, 8.71% (+8.71%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 311, 15.84% (-14.24%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 120, 6.11% (+6.11%)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 100, 8.71% (+8.71)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 589, 51.31% (-9.58%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 61, 5.31% (+1.30%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 115, 10.02% (+10.02%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 200, 17.42% (-8.47%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 83, 7.23% (+7.23%)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 46, 16.31% (+16.31%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 99, 35.11% (-1.57%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 9, 3.19% (+0.37%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 24, 8.51% (+8.51%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 80, 28.37% (-19.59%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 24, 8.51% (+8.51)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 62, 15.35% (+15.35%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 159, 39.36% (-2.49%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 45, 11.14% (+2.15%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 33, 8.17% (+8.17%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 78, 19.31% (-17.49%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 27, 6.68% (+6.68%)