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Saturday, June 1, 2019

How you voted in the 2019 Federal Election

TWO weeks after the 2019 Federal Election, only 34 of the 151 seats in the House of Representatives have been declared, with the local division of Lyons among those where counting is still to be completed. Despite the delay, the most likely result is that the sitting member, Brian Mitchell of the Australian Labor Party will be returned for a second term.

Yesterday was the final day that the Australian Electoral Commission was required to wait for postal votes to be received, allowing the full distribution of preferences to start in those seats where it was needed.

First preference results from local polling booths follow below, published in the order provided by the AEC. Despite recording an over all increase in his vote, Mr Mitchell's vote declined at booths in the Derwent Valley. 

Votes for the Liberal Party also declined at the same booths, by a larger margin, with many of those votes seemingly going to the National Party candidate. Brighton councillor Jessica Whelan was the Liberal candidate until being disendorsed during the campaign. She continued as an independent candidate but her name was already printed on the ballot papers as a Liberal. The Liberal party instead advised its supporters to vote for the Nationals candidate Deanna Hutchinson.

Another Brighton councillor, Tennille Murtagh ran as a candidate for Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party. The other candidates in Lyons were Gary Whisson for the Greens and Michael Warne for the United Australia Party.

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 48, 13.48% (+13.48%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 150, 42.13% (-0.36%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 30, 8.43% (-1.97%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation), 30, 8.43% (+8.43%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 73, 20.51% (13.88%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 25, 7.02% (+7.02%)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 43, 14.19% (+14.19%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 113, 37.29% (-2.39%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 22, 7.26% (+1.78%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 30, 9.90% (+9.90%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 70, 23.10% (-22.71%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 25, 8.25% (+8.25%)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 65, 11.34% (+11.34%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 219, 38.22% (-8.81%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 39, 6.81% (+1.67%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 51, 8.90% (+8.90%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 153, 26.70% (-10.22%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 46, 8.03% (+8.03%)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 40, 9.17% (+9.17%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 207, 47.48% (-0.27%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 54, 12.39% (-2.98%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 37, 8.49% (+8.49%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 67, 15.37% (-11.11%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 31, 7.11% (+7.11%)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 73, 13.64% (+13.64%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 21, 39.25% (-10.07%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 19, 3.55% (-0.13%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 58, 10.84% (+10.84%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 123, 22.99% (-14.92%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 52, 9.72% (+9.72%)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 30, 9.68% (+9.68%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 137, 44.19% (-2.59%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 41, 13.23% (-1.35%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 30, 9.68% (+9.68%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 58, 18.71% (-10.78%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 14, 4.52% (+4.52%)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 261, 13.29% (+13.29%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 942, 47.96% (-4.95%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 159, 8.10% (+0.51%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 171, 8.71% (+8.71%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 311, 15.84% (-14.24%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 120, 6.11% (+6.11%)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 100, 8.71% (+8.71)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 589, 51.31% (-9.58%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 61, 5.31% (+1.30%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 115, 10.02% (+10.02%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 200, 17.42% (-8.47%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 83, 7.23% (+7.23%)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 46, 16.31% (+16.31%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 99, 35.11% (-1.57%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 9, 3.19% (+0.37%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 24, 8.51% (+8.51%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 80, 28.37% (-19.59%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 24, 8.51% (+8.51)

HUTCHINSON, Deanna (Nationals) 62, 15.35% (+15.35%)
MITCHELL, Brian (Labor) 159, 39.36% (-2.49%)
WHISSON, Gary (Greens) 45, 11.14% (+2.15%)
MURTAGH, Tennille (One Nation) 33, 8.17% (+8.17%)
WHELAN, Jessica (Liberal) 78, 19.31% (-17.49%)
WARNE, Michael (United Australia) 27, 6.68% (+6.68%)

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