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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Short memories

DERWENT Valley mayor Tony Nicholson made a lot of noise about the ongoing saga of the Bridgewater Bridge when he appeared on the ABC-TV current affairs program Stateline last week. Councillor Nicholson blamed the state and federal governments for dillydallying on the subject of repairing or rebuilding the river crossing, but seemed to have forgotten that the council had a hand in it too... agreeing in 2006 to the diversion of a large chunk of the $100 million allocated by the Howard Coalition Government for a new bridge. Where did it go? To a rail rescue package and the "vital" Brighton transport hub.

1 comment:

  1. Very true - I could never understand why former Mayor Cracknell and his Councillors were never taken to task re his commitment of those $'s meant for the bridge, to the Brighton connection! Mayor Nicholson was certainly part of that Council decision, so why backtrack now? And what has the DV Economic Renewal group done? Sweet nothing from the vacuous words from its representaive on the same ABC program. What are the ratepayers paying these idiots for???
