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Thursday, November 20, 2008

"You have had your answer"

DERWENT Valley mayor Tony Nicholson has entered into his fourth month of stonewalling on the subject of the council's controversial Willow Court committee, and a third month of delaying access to an historical inventory.

Since August, Councillor Nicholson has been promising to provide an answer to questions about the location of the minutes of the Willow Court Special Committee, where the public may read those minutes, and when the committee's elections are held. Since September he has been "taking on notice" a question about access to an inventory of historical items transferred from the former Royal Derwent Hospital/Willow Court Centre to the Derwent Valley Council.

At tonight's council meeting, Councillor Nicholson responded to another round of public questions on both topics by saying the answers were being prepared and would be provided "in due course". He declined to say how long the preparation process would take and refused to provide a written confirmation of his undertaking.

"You have had your answer," Cr Nicholson said before moving on to other business. The contribution of general manager Stephen Mackey to the formulation of Cr Nicholson's answers is acknowledged.


  1. What on earth is the Mayor hiding? What are the other Councillors doing about it? Are they complicit in some coverup??? The questions surely aren't that hard or perhaps the comprehension skills are somewhat lacking!
    Perhaps it's time for another 'sacking'

  2. Letters to the editor of a newspaper are not published unless the author identifies him/herself. Your editor should abide by the same set of rules!

  3. Many newspapers do in fact publish unsigned correspondence and letters carrying nom-de-plumes, including a couple north of Oatlands. This website will not stifle free and fair comment, including yours, Anonymous :-)

  4. Hmmm - instead of knocking a fair comment or two, perhaps the one who is not prepared to put his/her name despite criticism of others for not doing, should stick to the subject matter and make some sensible contribution. Or do we not have any rebuttal of the facts to offer perhaps?
    I reckon the first comments are spot on!!
    Another Anonymous Reader.

  5. Oooo what have you got to hide commentator number 2? How about you say who you are before criticising others? The original comments must have hit a sore spot by the looks of things. I agree with the first and third comments - I must be anonymous number 4 then?
