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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Community grants awarded

JUST over $5000 has been allocated to local organisations under the the Derwent Valley Council's community grants program for 2008. Reporting to last month's council meeting, deputy general manager Robert McCrossen said the program was designed to help local groups serving the community in the Derwent Valley. "The program will deliver either cash and/or in-kind support depending on the needs of the applicant," Mr McCrossen said. "A sub-committee consisting of Councillors Judy Bromfield, Craig Farrell and Barry Lathey have met to consider and make recommendations on the grant applications received." Totalling $5120, the successful applicants and their projects were:

Maydena Craft Group (Community Craft Group) $500.
Magra Country Women’s Association (Replace window frames in CWA rooms) $720.
New Norfolk District Hospital Auxiliary (Hospital patient support) $400.
Blair Street Kindergarten (Development of a kitchen garden) $500.
Hayes Neighbourhood Watch (Roadside litter collection) $300.
New Norfolk Scout Group (Purchase of tent) $500.
Corumbene Auxiliary (Christmas party for nursing home residents) $250.
Derwent Valley Choir (Purchase of music scores) $200.
Derwent Valley Croquet Club (Purchase of a lawnmower) $500.
Malunna Community Group (Craft and sport games at Molesworth carols) $250.
Maydena Community Association (Rail Track Rider Project) $500.
Bushy Park Swimming Club (Purchase of lane ropes) $500.

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