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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Vintager day likely to be repeated

VINTAGER day at the Derwent Valley Field and Game Club on December 7 drew about 35 people interested in having a shoot or inspecting various antique firearms on show. Club president Ray Williams is pictured above having a go a firing an 1890 English-made eight-bore shotgun at a clay target. "It is amazing that such an old firearm is still in fine working order and functions as well today as when first made in 1890," Ray told the NNNews.

"This particular sized firearm is not allowed to be used in bird hunting in Australia and this has been the case for around 50 years," Ray said. As can be seen in the photo, these old-style black powder firearms produce large quantities of smoke when fired. Another part of the fun on Vintager day was to dress in old English-style costumes.

As a result of the success of this social day the event is likely to be repeated in May. For more information about the club's activities, contact Ray Williams on 0418 124 171.

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