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Monday, May 25, 2009

Demolition under way

WORK appears to have started on the demolition of historic buildings on the former Royal Derwent Hospital site. Blogger Jarvo-325 reports that part of Ward 7 was knocked down over the weekend and his inquiries to the Tasmanian Heritage Council revealed that an appeal to the Resource Management and Planning Appeals Tribunal had overturned the heritage listing which had protected the building until recently. Read more at the Willow Court and Royal Derwent blog, which also has pictures of the destruction.


  1. Thanks for the inclusion in you blog...
    LOL I have been waiting for you to come back off leave or where ever you have been, I havn't heard any New Norfolk news for a while.

  2. All this was done very quickly I may add with very little fanfare. On a recent walk through that area with my family only 2 weeks ago we discovered that some of the wards had been stripped completely on the inside obviously making way for demolition.

  3. Hey Megan
    Your right there was no warning at all, the general public wouldn’t have had a clue what was going on over there until it was too late.
    The only way I knew that it was going to happen soon was because I regularly go over there and noticed that someone went around each ward and painted the correct ward number on each of them and spent a considerable amount of time cleaning and sweeping the wards out.

  4. This is disgusting news! I am so ashamed of the people who have let this happen/are doing this.
    These buildings are an important part of our history, its still apart of Willow Court which dates back to the 1820's and now its gone.

  5. Also, didn't our council in January this year agree to the demolition of Ward 7 & the infilling of the ha-ha enclosure? They did that awfully quietly too.

  6. megan, the buildings were stripped out years ago by the first purchaser, who sold all valuables including piping, fittings etc. All there was left were the empty shells .These are an ugly reminder of an ugly past. There are enough older, far more beautiful buildings that have been compromised by the Councils preferred developer, with heritage approval, than to worry about the useless, ugly and valueless ward buildings.

  7. They wouldn't look so ugly if they were taken better care of...
    ALso people didn't graffiti in them, not that all the Graff in thems bad... Some of its actually pretty darn good, but the rest is just immature stupid crapp.
