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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Devastating daisy in the Derwent Valley

BONESEED (Chrysanthemoides monilifera) is one of the worst weeds in Australia - and it is growing in the Derwent Valley. A member of the daisy family and native to South Africa, boneseed was introduced to Australia as a garden ornamental. Now an environmental menace, boneseed threatens native bushland forming dense thickets that smother other plants.

Boneseed threatens more than 16 endangered plant species and communities, and many more are at risk if the spread continues. While altering habitat, boneseed also replaces native nectar plants important for bee-keeping, and reduces access to parks, coastal areas and trails. Surprisingly flammable, boneseed is also a fire hazard.

Boneseed is an erect, woody, evergreen shrub growing to 2-3m (sometimes taller). The leaves are fleshy and oval shaped with toothed edges. Boneseed flowers from spring to early summer with yellow daisy flowers of 4-8 petals. The fleshy fruits turn from green to black when mature and contain a single hard, seed that is bone coloured when dry. In one season a single boneseed plant can produce 50,000 seeds, which can be spread by birds, rabbits, livestock and other animals. Seeds also spread in water, soil and garden waste, and on vehicles and equipment.

Boneseed is a Declared weed in Tasmania under the Weed Management Act 1999 and property owners are required by law to control boneseed. During 2009, New Norfolk and the adjacent Derwent River is a target area that will be mapped and treated in partnership with Derwent Catchment NRM. Now is the time to report boneseed in your neighbourhood. Free treatment may be provided to local landowners requiring assistance and who are able to commit to ongoing follow up.

Local residents can help by checking their gardens and taking action. Report boneseed and help us control the spread by removing the plant safely and effectively. Learn more online about boneseed at or

UPDATE: Boneseed has been found at a number of locations in New Norfolk including Tynwald Park, Peppermint Hill, Sharland Avenue and Glenora Rd. For more information about the eradication project, contact project officer Margie Jenkin on 6270 2242, or 0419 514 935 or

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