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Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Nowhere to run to

THE Derwent Valley Council's management of the Willow Court historic site took a battering from all quarters last week, including all Tasmanian political parties and the state premier himself. Here are the highlights:

Tuesday, July 28: Greens MHA and former Derwent Valley mayor Tim Morris called on the council to open its books and reveal what has (and has not) been going on with the management of the site over the past six years. Read more here.

Wednesday, July 29: Liberal MHA Sue Napier said: "Some lateral thinking is needed to assist the Derwent Valley Council which simply does not have the financial resources to preserve and protect Willow Court, much less restore it."

Thursday, July 30: Premier David Bartlett said government funding for the site remained unspent and he urged the council to get its skates on. The ABC has the story.


  1. Yes they did take a battering but I think it is what’s needed, enough time has passed and we need to move forward, if we are to protect this site.
    I'm happy to help out with the lateral thinking or with anything in regards to WCC.

  2. Jarvo 325,
    I would like to hear from you, let's get together and share ideas, every new thought will help. Vandalism in Willow Court has increased to become a massive problem, thank you for your offer of help re this area of major concern, I would be only too happy to hear some fresh ideas. Please ring me on 62 61 59 59 and we can get together and talk.

    Deputy Mayor Scott Shaw

  3. Vandalism at Willow Court (as well as the privately owned former RDH builings) is not new. It has been going on ever since the DVCouncil gained the site from the Government and the DVC has lacked responsibility in taking care of it. I am amazed that all of a sudden the Councillors are grizzling about the vandalism - how about their duty of care to manage this once-magnificent place? Stop talking, get off their backsides and DO something would be better - the whole thing has been a talkfest for far too many years!!!
    Gaye D

  4. What a pity none of our aspiring Mayoral candidates have had the gumption to comment on this! After much fan fair they seem to have all gone very quite on everything! Could it be that none of them can offer an opinion that would bring them into conflict with Valley Vision or the current Mayor?
    In what was shaping up to be an interesting Mayoral race, nothing much has happened. After the first few comments were shot by Cr Elliott, who does not even live in the municipality everything has gone very quite.....could it be that another chance for real change has been missed?
