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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Council and Feds talking again

NEW Derwent Valley mayor Martyn Evans has wasted no time in re-opening dialogue with the Federal Government on topics of local concern, particularly Willow Court. While the former regime made an aborted effort to take the Federal Government to court over lost grant funds, the new administration appears to have adopted a more friendly approach.

Assistant Treasurer Nick Sherry and Lyons MHR Dick Adams met Mayor-elect Evans and several councillors last Friday to discuss plans for a number of New Norfolk icons. The meeting discussed the council’s plans for the development of the Willow Court Barracks to create a vibrant tourism experience, along with beautification of the walking tracks and reserves through the Esplanade area and the future of tourist rail in the Derwent Valley.

“I am delighted to be able to sit down with the mayor and councillors and discuss the future plans for these important venues around New Norfolk,” Senator Sherry said. "There is great potential in the Derwent Valley for tourism and job creation while celebrating the historical significance of the area.”

The party also toured council-owned buildings on the Willow Court site, inspected the “sound shell” being constructed in Tynwald Park and visited the Derwent Valley Railway yard to view progress of the construction of carriage shed. The Tynwald Park improvements have been made possible through the Federal Government’s Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program and railway yard facilities have been supported by a $50,000 grant from the Federal Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism.

“The Derwent Valley is really starting to move ahead – there is so much potential here to promote the entire Valley, and it’s great to see Council being proactive in their approach,” Mr Adams said.

Mayor-elect Evans said the council was pleased to be able to hold ongoing and direct dialogue with federal ministers and the local Federal Member, Dick Adams. “The council is pleased to be able to work with the Federal Government to progress our plans to enhance the tourism and community prospects for the Valley”, Mayor Evans said. “It is a critical and positive partnership that stands to benefit all Derwent Valley residents,” Councillor Evans said.


  1. does sound like things might be happening at the mention of the esplanade!!
    well done!!
