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Monday, November 30, 2009

Lachlan woman ordained

LACHLAN resident Ann Whittle was ordained as a priest of the Anglican Church in a ceremony at St David's Cathedral on November 21. The Anglican Bishop of Tasmania, John Harrower, ordained two other people as priests and a fourth person as a deacon. Bishop Harrower said the four had a wide variety of life experience, with jobs such as teachers, working in a pharmacy and on a farm, and work with Scripture Union (school chaplaincy support). Some would continue in the workforce alongside their ministry, whilst others were in a full-time church role.

“I’m very pleased to see a steady stream of new leaders being ordained in Tasmania over recent years," Bishop Harrower said. "We are blessed with men and women of wide experience and different gifts, younger and older, who are taking up the challenge of serving their church and local community in these new roles. They will be a valuable part of the local leadership of the Anglican Church in Tasmania."

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