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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Australia Day returns to Tynwald Park

THE local Australia Day observance in New Norfolk returns to Tynwald Park this year, after several years on the Esplanade. The day kicks off at 11am when the annual fun run sets off. The rest of the program includes music by the Derwent Valley Concert Band, flag raising, presentation of medals to fun run place getters, announcements of Australia Day award recipients and an Australia Day address by the Australia Day Ambassador, Dennis Smith. The New Norfolk Lions Club will host a free Australia Day barbecue and the local St John Ambulance volunteers will be in attendance.

Program - January 26, 2010

10.30am:   St John Ambulance in attendance
11am:        Fun Run/Walk (starting at Tynwald Park, Oast House end) Entries close 30 minutes prior. See Stan Harrex.
                  Croquet demonstrations with the Derwent Valley Croquet Club

11.30am:   Fun & games with D'FAT (Derwent Valley Youth Future Action Team) staging children's races including sack race and tug-of-war.
                  Free BBQ & soft drinks hosted by the Lions Club of New Norfolk
                  Derwent Valley Concert Band musical performances

Noon         National Anthem played by Derwent Valley Concert Band   
                  Flag-raising ceremony by the New Norfolk Scouts

12.15pm    Fun run presentations

12.30pm    Welcome to Australia Day Ambassador by Woolworths New Norfolk representative
                  Australia Day Ambassador's Address by Dennis Smith

12.40pm    Australia Day Awards presented by Mayor Martyn Evans


  1. It's nice that Tynwald Park can be utilised for such events but next year I would prefer to see it held at The Barracks. It would be a far more fitting setting.

  2. hi just wondering if any one found a pink camera i lost on Australia day it was lost near the start lots of photos on please ring tania on 0400345270 if anyone found it thank you all.
