"As far back as the early 1990s, with a willingness to look after its own, it took ownership of the community hall, swimming pool, playground, tennis courts and football ground from ANM, now Norske Skog. Through the 1990s the then Maydena Community Development Association focussed on economic and social development, engaging in dialogue with the Derwent Valley Council, government and the Derwent Valley Business Enterprise Centre," Cr Evans said.
"During this current decade we have seen a community with a focus, a vision and a willingness to succeed. We have seen a community seize opportunities and show a dogged determination to reach goals. Council
has enjoyed a strong partnership with Maydena, resulting in the upgrade of televisions services, radio, streetscape, development of an evacuation plan and lobbying for mobile phone service upgrades. It has supported a number of other initiatives and provided community grants and other funding for the maintenance and operations of community assets. It has provided countless hours of in-kind support.
"In 2005 the Maydena Community Association approached then Premier, Paul Lennon, for funding to develop a plan for the future. The Premier was receptive to this request and subsequently a two day "value management workshop was held to explore opportunity for the way forward. This most successful workshop saw the development of a town plan and Maydena brand. This has been the foundation for economic and social development and has led to strengthened partnerships with organisations such as Norske Rog, Forestry Tasmania, National Parks & Wildlife and the Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources.
"I am told that the Railtrack Rider was originally the idea of Piers Hooper and Geoff Williams with the MCA picking up and running with the venture. A business plan was developed and dialogue commenced with various state government departments to gain lease of the railway line. Full credit must go to the MCA executive who persisted when told it would be easier to move a mountain than get authority to use the rail line.
"A lot of water has passed under the bridge since the original idea, to gaining all the necessary approvals to now operate a tourist business. It was on September, 3, 2007 that the MCA passed a motion that it formally adopt the Railtrack Rider project as a business enterprise to encourage economic development for the Maydena township.
"With this foresight and a hell of a lot of work in both manufacturing the riders and ensuring administrative processes were in check, we can see the fruits of your labour. My congratulations go to all who have been involved this project and I hope it gives benefit to Maydena for a long time to come. It now gives me great pleasure to formally launch the Railtrack Rider Pty Ltd." At this point, Mayor Evans called on Mr Williams and Mr Hooper to join him in unveiling a commemorative plaque before the mayor and his son Campbell set off on a ride over a short stretch of the track.
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