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Friday, October 14, 2011

Corumbene set to grow

Corumbene Nursing Home
PREMIER Lara Giddings today announced the start of a 10-year master plan for Corumbene Home for the Aged. Stage 1 will involve a $2 million nursing home expansion, part funded by the State Government.  

“It is without doubt that if it were not for the generous support from the State Government, Corumbene as a community owned business, could not have got this project off the ground,” chief executive officer Damien Jacobs said.  “Stage one involves increasing our total resident capacity to 82 beds and provides scope in the future for working far more collaboratively with other health services within our community.”

Stage 2 of the master plan involves the construction of the first six of 22 Independent Living Units for more independent residents. These fully self-contained units will be detached from the main nursing home complex. Mr Jacobs said there had been a significant increase in demand for supported, independent living solutions for active seniors. It is anticipated that construction of these units will commence in early 2013.


  1. Great news. Thanks also for a great blog. I live in Melbourne but it's nice to keep up with my old community. Keep up the great work.

  2. Well done Lara-now all we need is some nurses to work there.The way your government is heading,they'll have all left the state.
