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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Flexibility for oval development

COMMERCIAL development of the Willow Court oval is expected to be more "flexible" following a planning scheme amendment for the site. A special meeting of the Derwent Valley Council last Monday accepted a report recommending that the oval be removed from the "core" and "peripheral area" of the greater Willow Court site. The draft amendment will be displayed for public comment for at least three weeks. The oval was sold to a developer earlier this year. The cost of the planning scheme amendment will be borne by the council.


  1. Have I missed something here? Could someone please explain 'core' 'peripheral' and 'flexible' in the context of this approval please? And given that the oval has already been sold why are the ratepayers bearing any cost in this regard? Did Council stuff up the original sale (just like it did with the roads in Willow Court) perhaps?

  2. yes i agree , really the oval should never have been sold,any monies we get should be spent on willow court. alas look at past results where did the funds go , down the drain, nothing to show for the millions, we still have much of the same on the council . where is the vision say 20 yrs ahead , very little , the is enough land across the lachlan to build on.

  3. There is no vision, not for now, let alone for 20 years' time - that's the problem. Council's strategic plan lacks a vision and that's why nothing is happening because there is nothing to benchmark progress by. Simply saying "we want New Norfolk to be a tourism destination" (or whatever line DVC spins) is NOT a vision, it's a broadbrushed motherhood statement of no value without spoecific goals and an implementation plan.
