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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Woolies carpark "dangerous"

CONCERN about the new layout of the New Norfolk Woolworths car park was expressed at tonight's meeting of the Derwent Valley Council. New line markings have been painted in readiness for the expected opening of McDonald's next week.

Councillor Wayne Shoobridge said the car park now looked dangerous. Following the reorganisation it is no longer possible to drive in a straight line between the Burnett St and Charles St entrances. Cr Shoobridge said there were blindspots in the new layout. Cr Judy Bromfield agreed, describing the situation as very bad, particularly when the car park was busy. Mayor Martyn Evans said he would investigate.

Earlier this year, the council approved the construction of the McDonald's Restaurant in the Burnett and George St corner of the supermarket car park. This has reduced the number of spaces available for car parking and the impact was felt soon after the building works commenced, with busy times encountered more often than in the past.

Earlier in tonight's meeting, Cr Evans noted that the new McDonald's had created about 75 jobs, many for young people.


  1. As I understand it, one of the components of the New Norfolk Planning Scheme 1993 (Section 3.8 Streetscape and Amenity) is "to provide pedestrian facilities and safe access within the commercial area".

    I would have thought it would have been obvious from the plans that the carpark layout would be problematic and unsafe, and this has proven to be the case.

    The area is now very difficult to negotiate on foot, especially with a trolley and a child, and I can only see this getting worse as traffic flow increases from all three entrances.

  2. There was some twitter talk about this too... that whole area around McDonalds is now unsafe.

    A reasonable thinking person would admit that "they" will just have to 'fence off' the McDonalds drive way from the Supermarket traffic for the sake of Public health.

  3. This was raised as an objection and we were told that it was satisfactory by the DVC.

  4. "Twitter Talk" about a Nawfik carpark-now that is a super use of technology!

  5. I feel that the carpark will now slow the previous rate of fast cars that used to use that straight pass as a race through from high street. It could do with some tweeking but I feel no matter what McDonalds do know there are several people whom are only going to look at the con's and not the pro's...

  6. There is also the issue now of the increase in people going the wrong way down Leathem's bad enough that the rubbish truck does it every week...we now have people leaving the Woolies Carpark & turning left to go back up to Burnett St..accident waiting to happen.

  7. All the Maccas haters need to chill out with a delicious McFlurry mmm !

  8. At least the Golden Arches add some colour to the town. Just wish the other shops in town would give themselves a fresh lick of paint!

  9. hm, wat a mess no safe axcess for foot traffic, cars have domanance, sum people should not have a licence and driving up 1 way streets , wat is the speed limit, the mayor said 50, the general manager said 20 , wat is the truth, post the safe limit up to educate the people, most of the council voted 4 this mess , the developers are really only interested in the cash register but the pie is only round. and today i note the macas waste is acuminlating on the streets , need more bins.....

  10. peter i agree with cr shoobridge an acident waiting to hapen did not cr bromfield vote in favour of the plan . i myself did look at the plan and did not notice the flaws,mind u i did not have the years of experience that our councillors have, an old broom does wear out.

  11. Maybe the whole population of New Norfolk should have been weighed prior to Macca's opening and then weighed again 6 months later to see how much has been gained! Noticed school aged kids knocking back McFlurrys like they were going out of fashion, so much sugar!!!

  12. Not to mention the lack of Road Traffic skills at the exit form the 'drive thru' - I have nearly been collected by McDonald's traffic several times at this little interface!.....It is still a public street and road rules do apply you know!!
