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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Public meeting on forestry and the future

THE future of forestry and the Derwent Valley/Central Highlands region in general will be discussed at a public meeting in New Norfolk on Tuesday night. Organised by state Liberal Party leader Will Hodgman MHA, the meeting will include a panel discussion as well as questions from the floor.

Mr Hodgman said the meeting would give a voice to people in the region. "This meeting is not just about forestry, it is about the flow-on economic and social consequences of any [government forestry] deal on families and entire communities," he said.

The panel will include Derwent Valley mayor Martyn Evans, Central Highlands mayor Deirdre Flint, Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association chief executive Jan Davis, timber industry advocate Kelly Wilton and members of the Tasmanian Parliamentary Liberal Party.

The public meeting will be held at the New Norfolk District Football Clubrooms at 7pm this Tuesday, September 18. The meeting is one of a series around the state, organised by the Liberal Party in response to what it calls the "government's disastrous forestry deal" and its impact on regional communities.

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