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Thursday, September 20, 2012

SFL reserves premiership report

Tristen Triffett
COMING from the elimination final to make it to the big one was one thing, but to actually win it was another, and thats exactly what the New Norfolk reserves did on Saturday and it was also against the team that thrashed them in last year's grand final. Going in as underdogs, New Norfolk continued on with their great form that saw them cruise through the finals.

Leading at every change, the Eagles made every opportunity count. Best on ground Tristen Triffett played an excellent game taking many telling marks all round the ground and even snared himself a goal. Aaron Papera and Luke Browning were unlucky to miss out on playing in the senior grand final team and gave a great display of how to play the game. Their attack on the footy was second to none as was the case with the experienced Josh Kelly whose ability to win the hard ball was a telling factor all day - he found a way to clear the footy every time.

Mark Cashion showed why he won the SFL reserves goal kicking this year, bagging five majors in typical full forward tradition. His leading and strong marking was a pleasure to watch and it was even better when he was teaming up with brother Chris. The win is a real credit not only to the team but to also to coach Jon Murray and his staff. Jon made it a real double when he went on to play in the senior team's nail-biting win!

The reserves have won 10 premiership now, and since the club entered the SFL in 2000 they have played in seven grand finals for four premierships (2000, 2004, 2009 and 2012). All have been against Kingborough except for 2004 which was against Clarence.

New Norfolk   2.2   3.5   6.10   7.11 (53)
Kingborough    1.3   3.3   3.4    5.8   (38)

GOALS - New Norfolk: M. Cashion 5, T. Triffett, B. Purkiss; Kingborough: N. Townsend 2, C. Jackson, K. Shaw, B. Stanway.
BEST - New Norfolk: T. Triffett, A. Papera, J. Kelly, L. Browning, P. Ling, M. Cashion; Kingborough: S. Morrison, R. Rinaldi, D. Cornish, J. Booth, S. Dineley, C. Jackson.

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