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Monday, August 15, 2016

September opening likely for police youth club

Mayor Martyn Evans, left, Police Minister Rene Hidding MHA
and PCYC chief executive Darren Clark.
POLICE Minister Rene Hidding MHA has announced the posting of an additional constable to New Norfolk as part of the development of the state's newest Police and Citizens Youth Club (PCYC).

Mr Hidding joined senior police officers including Commissioner Darren Hine at the Derwent Valley Sport and Recreation Centre last week to announce the formation of the Derwent Valley PCYC at New Norfolk.

"PCYCs are a great way of engaging with young people in our community, and the centre will be funded under a joint arrangement with the Government and the Derwent Valley Council, with the Government providing $100,000," Mr Hidding said.

He acknowledged the council's contribution of $20,000 towards the conversion of the sports centre into a PCYC as well as an annual commitment of $35,000 towards the wages of a youth worker. PCYC chief executive Darren Clark said the centre would be open in about a month's time.

"A vibrant PCYC movement has an important role to play in reducing the involvement of young people in dangerous, criminal or anti-social activities, and I am very pleased that the Derwent Valley PCYC will be able to help those young people most at risk in the local community," Mr Hidding said.

"The Department of Police, Fire and Emergency Management will provide a full time police officer to the New Norfolk station who will spend half his time at the new PCYC," he said.

"I thank the Derwent Valley Council for their support and contribution in carrying out the next steps to ensure this important project progresses, and look forward to seeing the centre thrive in the Derwent Valley community."

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