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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Annie gets the kids in2Cricket

The Glenora in2Cricket participants and leaders meeting
Captain Hurricane recently.
FOR the last seven weeks, Annie McKenzie and her assistant Tash Farrow have run a Milo in2Cricket program at the Glenora District High School.

The sessions were run each Sunday with the kids learning all the basic skills and fun activities of the game of cricket. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves from start to finish and were very excited to meet Captain Hurricane along the way.

Annie said the program was very satisfying to run and she would like to thank the kids for making it such a great time. "Also a big thank you to Tash Farrow and the parents for all your help, it was really much appreciated," said Annie, who has run two in2Cricket programs this cricket season.

Well done Annie. Your commitment to the kids and our great game of cricket is a real credit to yourself. Your efforts are very much appreciated by all.


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