COVID-19 ADVICE: The following links provide official advice and information about the virus known as COVID-19.
Australia's state and federal governments are taking action to help slow the spread of COVID-19. Use the links above to source the latest advice about what you can do to protect yourself and others. Washing your hands for 20 seconds is one of the most effective forms of infection control. Do this after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing; after close physical contact with anyone who is unwell; after using the toilet; before and after eating; before, during and after preparing food; and after feeding or touching a pet.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Council meeting tonight

Cr James Graham talking
about the original Derwent
Valley people at the last
council meeting.
THE monthly meeting of the Derwent Valley Council will be held at 6.30pm today at the courthouse in Circle St, New Norfolk. The meeting is open to the public and the agenda documents are available online and in hardcopy from the council chambers. 

Any resident or ratepayer wishing to ask a question or make a statement can do so in writing using a form available from the council chambers which has to be submitted to the general manager 15 minutes before the start of the meeting.

* The council budget meeting held during NAIDOC Week earlier this month featured an acknowledgement of the original Australians. At the invitation of mayor Martyn Evans, Cr James Graham paid tribute to the Big River people - the original Tasmanian Aboriginal residents of the Derwent Valley.

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