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Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Partners aim to break down job barriers

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PEAK employer body, the TCCI, and the Tasmanian Council of Social Service (TasCOSS) have joined forces to work on breaking down the barriers facing people looking for jobs in the Derwent Valley.

Designed to listen to local job seekers, the Jobs Action Plan will kick off with an information session next Thursday at the Derwent Valley Community House.

If you have been looking for work in the Derwent Valley, but too many things seem to stand in the way, this could be your opportunity. "We’re keen to hear about barriers faced by jobseekers in the Valley and how we can support you, including: transport, skills and training, finding the right job opportunities or employer," a spokesman said.

"You tell us! We want to help you improve your chances of getting a job in the Valley. You do not need to be registered with a JobActive provider. If you’re looking for work and haven’t been able to find it, come along and tell us about it—we want to hear what you have to say. "

The Jobs Action Plan may be able to help with:

  • Matching up with employment opportunities in the region
  • Access to coaching and support programs to get you ready for work
  • Referral to relevant skills and training programs to increase your chances of getting a job
  • Matching up with transport options

Find out more at the information session from 11am-1pm on Thursday, July 13, at the Derwent Valley Community House, The Avenue, Willow Court, New Norfolk. For more information, visit "To help us with catering, it would be great if you could tell us you’re coming, either via the website or via a text message to 0427 544 390. But don’t let that stop you if you just want to show up on the day!"

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