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Monday, June 4, 2018

Willow-whacking at Westerway this Wednesday

"Willow Warriors" volunteers at a field day in March.
THE Tyenna River Willow Control Program will hold a field day at Westerway this week to continue its work in the area.

The Derwent Catchment Project has been working with Inland Fisheries Service, Anglers Alliance Tasmania and Lanoma Estate to develop a five-year plan for willow control along the Tyenna River at Westerway.

This plan is in its final stages, with years one and two having a focus on willow removal and  revegetation along sections of the river running through Lanoma Estate, due to significant in-kind support from the landowner and funding support the IFS Anglers Access program.

The plan also looks upstream in the second year, with an aim to eradicate willows in the upper stretches of the  Tyenna River through targeted works with contractors and help from the "Willow Warriors" - a group of volunteers who enjoy fishing in the river.  These efforts will help to link restoration works by Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service, Wildcare volunteers and Norske Skog.

In March this year a demonstration day for the Willow Warriors on Lanoma Estate, controlling willows along nearly 200m of riverbank. The next field day is on this Wednesday, June 6, to plant native trees and shrubs to provide shade in preparation for removal of large willows in a section of river with little native cover.

For more information or to get involved in the Willow Warrior field days, email or phone Magali on 0424 277 226.

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