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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Council tries to sneak one past

EMBARRASSED into holding an annual general meeting for the controversial Willow Court Redevelopment Committee, the Derwent Valley Council appears to be doing its best to prevent interested people from attending.

Having been helpfully reminded of its obligations by Damian Bester over the last two months, the council yesterday advertised the meeting for 3pm this Thursday, April 23. The council has provided only three working days notice of the meeting, and scheduled it for mid-afternoon.

The advertisement on page 44 of the Saturday Mercury also advises that nomination forms for the position of community representative on the committee are available from the Valley Vision office, but it does not explain the voting process.

During public question time at the Derwent Valley Council meeting held at Maydena in February, Willow Court enthusiast Damian Bester asked:
*On what date will the Willow Court Special Committee hold its AGM?
* When will nominations be called for election to the committee?
* How many Annual General Meetings has the Willow Court Special Committee held since it was established three years ago?

Mayor Tony Nicholson - who also serves as chairman of the Willow Court committee - took the question on notice but has not yet responded. When reminded of the questions a month later, Councillor Nicholson said Mr Bester would have his answers "soon".

INVITATION: The Derwent Valley Council and Valley Vision may have excellent reasons for providing such short notice of this meeting and its mid-afternoon timing, and are welcome to let us know by emailing

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