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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Shadow over prison farm

IT has been suggested that the Hayes Prison Farm near New Norfolk may fall victim to the State Government's uncertain Budgetary position caused for the global financial crisis. In response to queries from the State Opposition, Corrections Minister Lisa Singh has said "no decision" has been made about the future of the mimimum-security jail, but confirmed it was under review.

"Liberal Opposition spokesman Michael Hodgman said closing Hayes would remove an important alternative to Risdon Prison. He called on Ms Singh to guarantee she would fight any government moves to close the facility. “If we are tackle the causes of crime, we need to have appropriate sentencing and rehabilitation alternatives, and the closure of the Hayes Prison Farm would in my view be a retrograde move that would not be in the long term interests of our state," Mr Hodgman said.

Ms Singh said no such decision had been made. “The farm, however, needs a substantial capital upgrade and its future is quite properly being assessed,” she said.

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