During public question time, Mr Whitehead said he believed Valley Vision was costing the council about $100,000 per year, and he doubted its value. "Valley Vision needs an external audit to take a look at all figures to decide if Valley Vision is a goer and quite frankly I don't think it is," Mr Whitehead said.
Council accountant John Bradley said the council budget showed the council contribution to Valley Vision was $24,000 and Mayor Tony Nicholson said the council's books were subject to audit. In response, Mr Whitehead repeated his request for a complete and independent audit of Valley Vision.
This latest information about the costs associated with Valley Vision seems to conflict with general manager Stephen Mackey's confirmation that the council paid the wage of project officer Ian Brown. This advice was given at the council's annual general meeting last year, in response to one of many questions asked by Ngaire Glover and Damian Bester.
NOTE: Valley Vision and/or the Derwent Valley Council are welcome to comment on this article or provide further information by emailing us at newnorfolknews@gmail.com
DISCLOSURE: The NNNewsBlogger is a former Valley Vision board member and is generally a crankypants when it comes to this topic.
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