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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Fourth candidate - who can it be now?

A FOURTH member of the Derwent Valley Council is expected to announce their intention to contest the position of mayor at this year's election. Councillor Jim Elliott and deputy mayor Scott Shaw have already announced their plans to challenge the incumbent, Tony Nicholson. Mayor Nicholson this week told the Derwent Valley Gazette that his record spoke for itself, but the newspaper did not elaborate. The NNNews awaits a statement from the fourth candidate before publishing his name.


  1. Seems to be drycleaner Martin Evans is to throw his hat in the mayoral ring according to today's Gazette! Obviously a few current councillors reckon they can do a better job than the incumbent who appears to resting on his record - perhaps Mayor Nicholson ought to re-think that stance? Anyway, why isn't the most experienced woman on the council having a crack?
    Gaye D

  2. It is really time for these people to think of the commitment required to be Mayor. Neither Shaw or Evans have made all the meetings and workshops and only Barry Lathey and myself attended the recent planning forum. I beleive that the future planning and direction of the town should be a top priority yet only Barry and I were in attendance. Mayor is not just a title it is a commitment that requires leadership.

  3. Could it be that Cr Elliott resents a "young blood" challangeing him for the role of Mayor? Surely all councillors would welcome the potential for renewal within council and trust that they have proved their worth to the ratepayers of the Derwent Valley witout resorting to these sort of agressive tactics.

  4. It is disappointing to see that Cr Elliott has used this forum to criticise the someone's nomination for the position of Mayor.
    Could it be that Cr Elliott feels threatened by the potential competion?
    It would be hoped that existing nominees welcome a vigerous democratic process and trust the judgement of voters.

  5. I welcome any challege. My point is that the position of Mayor requires a considerable more amount of time and effort than that of a councillor and if they have found it difficult to have enough concern re the planning for our future and to attend meetings how will they manage the position of Mayor. This is not a personal attack but a call for consideration as to the true requirements for Mayor.

  6. Was the present mayor at the planning forum? And a question for the council - why did members of the public have to lodge an "expression of interest" if they wanted to go?
