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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Closed discussions continue

ONLY days after the Willow Court Working Party held its first meeting without the promised public involvement, the Derwent Valley Council will tonight exclude the public from a discussion about historic items stored at Willow Court. The agenda for tonight's monthly council meeting includes one item for discussion in closed session. In accordance with the Local Government Act (1993) the agenda lists only the topic, which is stated as "Willow Court historical items security". The Local Government Act allows the council to exclude the public when it considers items relating to:
  • personnel matters including complaints against staff of the council
  • industrial matters relating to a person
  • the health or financial position of any person
  • contracts for the supply and purchase of goods and services
  • the security of property of the council
  • proposals for the acquisition of land or disposal of land which is not public land
  • information provided to the council on the condition it is kept confidential
  • trade secrets of private bodies
  • matters relating to actual or possible litigation involving the council or staff of the council.
The council did not see fit to use the above provisions of the Local Government Act when it discussed Willow Court security issues at last month's council meeting.


  1. We at the Working party were not informed about anything to do with this meeting or anything to do with historic items at Willow Court. Its very disappointing after everything that has happened at the community forum that they are still having secret meetings, why the secrecy??

  2. I didn't think there was anything left to secure. From what I understand most of the stuff is gone, gone, gone, where - nobody knows. I purchased some very old State Government paperwork relating to Willow Court from an auction site & that came from Sydney!

  3. Just another example jarvo of what's being hidden. The DVC had the responsibility when they took over the old RDH site to preserve and secure all items, whether they be historic or not. They have failed miserably. At least Cr Evans suggested that an amnesty be granted for the return of stolen items. But what puzzles me is the continuing secrecy of where everything has gone - the mayor has got a lot to answer for given his former site employment, records recorder, chairmanship of the historical committee as well as councillor involvement and his failure to provide lists of location of items when asked many many times. Anne
