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Thursday, September 17, 2009

State and council bury the hatchet

STATE funding for part of the redevelopment of the Willow Court historic site is back on track. Acting Minister for Environment, Parks and Heritage, David Llewellyn MHA, said representatives from the Derwent Valley Council and the State Government had met last week to discuss proposals for future funding.

“I am pleased that planning has now started to get this project back on track,” Mr Llewellyn said. “The State Government is very aware of the issues relating to the conservation, security and management of the Willow Court site. We want to see a successful outcome for the site, and for the Barracks and Bronte buildings in particular. The preservation and re-use of the heritage buildings is to be supported.”

Mr Llewellyn's media release included a comment from Derwent Valley Mayor, Tony Nicholson, saying the Council was "extremely pleased" that the State Government was committed to the reallocation of the original $750,000 grant to the Willow Court site. “Council is happy to work in partnership with the State Government on the future of the site,” Councillor Nicholson said. “An options paper will be prepared in the next two weeks for consideration by council and the State Government to determine the best way forward with the site.”


  1. Thats absolutley wonderful. It will be just enough to get us all into a further mess without a great outcome. Tonights council meeting seen another bandage attempt at security approved but totally in efficient to prevent further proffessional damage. The property should be locked down securely in order that an appropriate plan can be put in place that will not be a burden on the rate payers. The $750,000 is greatly appreciated but is really only a down payment on what will be needed and we should not even consider moving forward until proper funding is in place.
    The reason given for tonights closed meeting was it related to a budget matter?? As a side line it appears that only Cr Parker and myself considered the public forum a fiasco the rest of your councilors spoke as if it was a great success!

  2. I believe that some parts of the community forum were successful in that the opportunity was given (or perhaps that should be taken by)the people to have their say on some on the hideous actions in the past which has ultimately led to where the site is today, a shambles! However, in their anxiety to be absolved from the decisions of the past it is very convenient for some councillors to cling on to the 'going forward' theme but continue to actually do nothing. Cr Elliott, the forum wasn't a complete fiasco, just misdirected by the so-called leaders. The next community forum should consist of only 3 agenda items - recognition and declaration of previous mistakes made, security and maintenance of the site and contributions/ideas as to the future. No decisions should be made as these should all go to Council for consideration.

  3. Well I'm pleased that we have still got the $750,000 its better than having nothing at all, and that’s what it was looking like a few weeks back. We all need to brainstorm the best way to utilise this money as we all know that this is only a faction of what we will need, we need to make the best of it!!

  4. Now when you go to the DVC website there is a notice explaining that their site is experiencing technical difficulties & they are looking into it. Given their website has always been like this it makes me ask the question: When was the last time anyone in the council looked at it? I have been in the Valley for 6 years & its never been any different. Just another example of treating the community like they are stupid.
