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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Going, going, gone

LESS than half a million dollars remains in the Derwent Valley Council's fund for the redevelopment of the Willow Court historic site, it was revealed in today's issue of the Derwent Valley Gazette. The newspaper quotes a letter sent by councillor and mayoral candidate Martyn Evans to his council colleagues.

Expressing his frustration over years of delays, Cr Evans said there was just $350,000 left from the $2.4 million raised when the council sold part of the historic site to private developers. This follows recent decisions by the State and Federal governments to withdraw grants totalling $1.5 million.


  1. It's a shame that it took a council election to get some one to speak out about this, but at least someone finally has.
    it would be good to hear Councillor Evans views on what he would do differently

  2. It is a shame, and this only highlights that there should me more community and independant involvment in the Willow Court Committee

  3. By the sound of things it doesn't seem there will be any money left for anyone to do anything. Why would Cr Evans have to write to his colleagues, surely all that he had to say could've been discussed in open council? Has he missed so many meetings that he doesn't know what's been going on or what?

  4. Just where has all this money gone? Has it been used to prop up Valley Vision staff/DVC budget/what? Wouldn't all Councillors receive an update on the progress of the WC site and be aware of how the funds were going? There will be bugger all left to do anything if this mob keeps going the way it has (or should that be hasn't) been going.
