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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Graham ousts Nicholson after election tussle

WELL-KNOWN New Norfolk businessman, activist and community worker James "Migloo" Graham is the fourth and final candidate elected in this week's Derwent Valley Council election, edging out former mayor Tony Nicholson after a day of vote counting.

Co-owner of the famed Old Colony Inn, Mr Graham was in his fourth election attempt. He unseated Mr Nicholson, who last night became the first Derwent Valley mayor to lose office at an election.

Sitting councillor Barry Lathey was the third candidate elected. He was also an unsuccessful candidate for the office of deputy mayor.

In the order of election, the successful candidates were:

  1. Scott Shaw
  2. Damian Bester
  3. Barry Lathey
  4. James Graham


  1. Good, a couple of new faces at least.
    Was nice to see James Graham holding up a big thank you sign at the Pioneer Ave roundabout.
    I hope the new people will be given a fair go and supported by the current councillors in their effort.

  2. congratulations James, Go for it and show the people of the town what you are made of!!!!

  3. "Fabulous" result James..... Very happy for you!
    hope you do well. Congrats!!!

  4. Fantastic out-come, for a bright future in the Valley.

  5. Editor, is there any chance of posting the figures of the voting, especially the percentage of votes - everyone seems to be saying they voted for those who are now in office. It would be great to know just how many voted in the area.

  6. Congratulations Damien and James. It is great to know that we will have people on Council who will ask questions, expect answers and follow through with what they say they will do. Well done both of you.

  7. The breakdown of the voting figures are available from the electoral website. A slight increase in the number of votes returned this time too so I guess there was a little more interest shown. I hope the new councillors and those re-elected uphold our faith in them but of course whoever makes any decision still needs 4 others to go with them and NOT change their mind later down the track as has happened in the past!

  8. Good on those people who wrote to the Gazette this week to chastise the disgruntled former mayor Nicholson and also moaner Elliott - the people have voted, take it on the chin and deal with it! Cr Elliott should work for what he's being paid for or resign, simple.

  9. To the individual who hides behind anonymous. Do not always accept what you read in the paper. If you understood the real context then you may not be so quick to call me names. I actually rang and spoke to John Wilson and I am sure his opinion is now very different. As far as working for what I get paid for. If the council had to pay me even a basic wage for the time I put in the council allowance would not cover a fraction. As Damian will be able to confirm soon just the mountain of correspondence we receive takes up many hours. On Friday last along with our new Mayor and Deputy as well as Narelle Molan and Barry Lathey we met with Dick Adams and Nick Sherry. Over the week end I read up on our Agenda for next Thursdays meeting. On Sunday I took a call from a resident who has a problem and yesterday I followed up on that problem. Today I attended a meeting in relation to the new planning scheme with James Graham & Barry Lathey not only did we spend several hours going over the future planning for the town but we walked away with a large dosier re heritage which we need to go over and reply to as well as we are expecting another re the reccomendations from the planning consultants which must be responded to within the next week. Next week we have a function on Wednesday and Thursday I have to go to Clarence council for an AGM meeting with the Southern Waste Strategy Authority followed by a General Meeting. The cost of transport is paid by myself. So don't be concerned that this councillor is not working for the people of the Derwent Valley. If you feel I am letting you down give me a call and I am happy to discuss the problem 0413 871 076

  10. Oh diddums Cr Elliott, if what has been ascribed to you in the newspaper wasn't what you said, then take them to task and demand a retraction! My reading of what was written clearly says you were just going to sit back and listen - well how about you do what you originally were elected to do and also at least attempt to move on with the things you said in your last campaign albeit not as mayor? There are some good people out there who voted for you and expect you to fulfil those commitments, so don't let them down! As far as the allowance is concerned, it is meant to cover your expenses whichever way you choose to use it. I don't begrudge you the money but simply want you to steam ahead with your election commitments. How about an open letter to the newspaper to clarify your previous comments, then you may not get as much flack as those comments drew. I reckon you're a good and honest bloke who has the best interests of the community at heart, so prove it to all and sundry!!
