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Monday, October 19, 2009

Site security is Willow Court group's top priority

CONNECTING the electricity and installing electronic security and surveillance is the top priority reported by the Willow Court working party at its community forum tonight. The recommendation will go before the Derwent Valley Council at its monthly meeting on Monday.


  1. What a pity council have waited all this time to do the obvious (and may still not if not passed at next Monday's meeting)! The power and security issues were well and truly raised months and months before the community forum and expressed most emphatically by the majority of attendees at that forum.
    And why a council meeting on a Monday? Who or what is so special to change from the usual day?

  2. Good on you for asking those questions last night about where the money went, they needed to be asked.

  3. And where was the money wasted then? Administration costs/wages/consultants???
    Sure there has to have been some $'s spent genuinely but so much for so little?

  4. On looking at the handout from Monday nights meeting I am wondering why there was a $34000 contribution made to Derwent Valley Economic Renewal from Willow Court funds when this group is Valley Vision. Have they therefore given themselves some money directly out of the fund? - but for what? This is one of many examples of the mismanagement of the funds available & clearly shows to me that Valley Vision (and all its nom de plumes!) should be disbanded. Over $1 million spent just on Valley Vision in 6 years - it has to go. NOW.
