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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fast food opposition grows

OPPOSITION is mounting against the unspecified 24-hour fast food restaurant proposed for the corner of Burnett and George Sts at New Norfolk. A group calling itself Residents Against Inappropriate Development is lobbying against the proposal; a petition has been started; and a Facebook group has been created.

Developer Humana Pty Ltd has applied to the Derwent Valley Council to build a 24-hour fast food restaurant and takeaway with a 16-car drive-through. Humana has not specified who will operate the restaurant but most community attention has been focused on McDonald's. The RAID group objects on the following grounds:
  • Adverse impact on streetscape and historic character of New Norfolk (directly opposite entrance to Willow Court).
  • Noise and air pollution generated by vehicles idling in drive-through bays adjoining heritage-listed buildings and opposite residences.
  • Increased litter in surrounding area and wider New Norfolk.
  • Lower property values for nearby residents.
  • Lack of 24-hour policing in New Norfolk.
  • Possible loss of local family businesses.
  • Contribution to the "obesity epidemic".
Planning documents relating to the development are on display for public comment at the Derwent Valley Council Chambers. Written submissions close this Thursday, February 3.

A representative of the RAID group wishes it to be known that the group is not the originator of the Facebook page.


  1. This is a joke,are only Antique shops and cooking schools the only businesses allowed in the Derwent Valley?
    Noise and air pollution?-i saw a few protesters causing this on the streets of Nawfik on Saturday arvo.
    As far as lower property values-they are already in freefall.

  2. I agree with comment #1. Those against it are also ignoring employment opportunities for valley teenagers. We have had pizza places for decades, Maccas would probably be a healthier alternative.

  3. it does not matter if it is kfc or maccas at least they include plants in their property developments. something new norfolk has not seen for a while.

  4. Oh for goodness sakes. I think the protesters just don't want to get off their lazy dole bludging butts and get a job!

    Heaven forbid that New Norfolk should actually go ahead, it might bring some new blood to the area! How hideous would that be?


  5. I'd much rather see the many current small business operators and employees keep their jobs than be replaced by minimum wage McJobs that disappear when you turn 19.
    A family can't be supported with one of these proposed casual positions.

  6. Mcdonalds will at least be one institution in the town that installs some disciplne into its young people-unlike the local schools...

  7. As a person that has advocated for improved youth services within this Municipality for many years (personally and professionally), I can not agreed with 'RAID' (Residents Against Inappropriate Development). This development would greatly benefit young people and the community with increased local employment opportunities. Yes, I can see the health issues. But people will make their own individual decisions if they will purchase food from there or elsewhere. This township and Municipality should 'move forward' with developments not against! If there wasn't developments such as Subway, Banjos or Woolworths there wouldn't be any employment for young people.

  8. good on you matt you are spot on.who are the raid people?We in the Derwent Valley must move forward together.This past council election has exposed a negative element that do not what to see progressive development both social and inferstructual with in our unique community.i love the the well paid elected councillors share the same vision Mr Hill i think not

  9. Sounds like another group of Greens voters objecting to development and employment again.

  10. Why cant those who have shared their opinion have respect for others views without name calling, seems a little childish really. As for the topic at hand, no one is opposed to change in new norfolk just opposed to whoring it out to fast food chains. Yes, a fast food chain will offer employment to teens but perhaps there should be more focus on a business that will offer employment to the parents, adults and long term unemployed in the community. If there is to be a fastfood outlet in New Norfolk maybe the condition of them being there is that they put a large sum of money into the local services which are understaffed and virtually non existent.Really, what does new norfolk have to offer tourists and visitors? Do you think a fast food outlet is going to draw more people to the town.

  11. Litter is a problem but you can not blame business outlets for it. It is a social issue. New Norfolk needs any development opportunities it can get the town is dying and the majority young people who stay in the town have no job and no future, this new business will help change that and give some young people a good career start in life. GO FOR IT!!!!

  12. I have no problem with the development. However, to believe that McDonalds or any similar business offers a career path via youth employment is being just a bit silly.
    McDonalds et al employs kids because they are easily disposable work units, paid the lowest rate possible for the maximum hours, and discarding them when they get too old and regulations require them to be paid a better wage.
    Consider .... how many 30+ workers do you see at a McDonalds "restaurant"?

  13. That’s the nature of the beast. Macca's provides work for young people if they are willing to work. Ideally Macca's should not be someone’s sole career goal in life but a mere stepping stone on to bigger and better things.

  14. The old "willing to work" argument. Doesn't matter if they are exploited, just so long as they are "willing to work".
    Perhaps if they weren't exploited early in their working lives, they would develop a better work ethic, and would set higher goals for themselves.

  15. hey guys look to the left read todays "this day in history" we need Coles to move into the valley or should i say into our independent kingdom

  16. Coles would have more than 16 cars in the car park-RAID would never approve.

  17. The old "willing to work" argument. Doesn't matter if they are exploited.

    That really doesn’t make sense and is a flawed argument. It’s not a conscription, Macca's are not forcing people to work there. If they feel they are being exploited they can leave, see a Union rep or talk to their parents about it.

    If they are that damaged after working at macca’s I think there is something else happening in their lives or the people around the individual are letting them down.

  18. It simplistic to believe that MacDonalds causes all work problems, and I never said that. But it is one more thing to reduce young workers' self-image.
    As for leaving if you don't like it, these kids are bombarded by views such as yours that they must work, regardless of the quality of the employment.
    No, MacDonalds doesn't force you to work there. Society's view of your worth makes you work there.

  19. So where are the results from this study that suggests McDonalds reduces young workers self image? If you haven't go evidence to back that claim up I think that's very simplistic statement to make.

    That’s not my view, that’s an option. A young person’s self image comes down to their up bringing and the support they have around them. I would support my children if they wanted to find some part time work at Mcdonalds.

  20. MacDonalds is not a dirty word. Not only do they offer employment to our youth are some of you forgetting that they also run Ronald MacDonald House. Look at all the good work and support they give for ill children and their families. How many of you complained about a GUN SHOP opening up in the middle of High Street? And to all those worried about junk food what about LaBella Pizza opening in Burnett St. Get a life . . . There are a lot of residents that don’t have a problem with this development. The only people with a right to be unhappy are the people living directly opposite.

  21. La Bella and the Gun shop are in already built shops, whereas the propsed fast food development has knocked down an old cottage, and wants to build a new style building next to the historic Willow Court precinct.

  22. The old cottage was derelict.The historic willow court "Precinct" is also derelict.
    Keep refusing proposals of new business and New Norfolk will also be derelict.

  23. The old cottage was occupied immediatle yprior to demolition and certainly not derelict. Willow Court is only derelict because of the apathy of the locals who think that anything new must be good, and anything old must be worthless.
