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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Fast food - who can it be?

A MILLION-DOLLAR fast food restaurant and take-away has been proposed for the now-vacant corner of Burnett and George Sts in New Norfolk. Developer Humana Pty Ltd has not revealed who would operate the restauarant it wants to build on the site of an old house it demolished last year. Humana owns various properties including the New Norfolk Woolworths supermarket and car park.

The restaurant includes a two-lane drive-through with a single exit and is proposed to operate 24 hours a day. The supermarket carpark would be reconfigured as part of the development and the Burnett St entry point would be repositioned. The existing hedge on the corner of George and Burnett Sts would be retained.

Plans are currently on display for public comment at the Derwent Valley Council Chambers. A traffic impact assessment provided by the applicant incorrectly shows the Willow Court oval as the site of the proposed development.

Above: The proposed 24-hour fast food restaurant

Above: The site of the proposed restaurant development


  1. is there any reason the developers can't name the fast food provider or is it being built before a 'name' has been secured perhaps? How many car spaces will the area need and does that mean those spaces will no longer be for supermarket shoppers or is it all shared? will you still be able to go through from Burnett to Charles street through the car park? if it is going to operate 24 hours a day, what about the disturbance to those in nearby houses - has there been some impact study done on this? lots of questions i know but need to be asked

  2. LOL never thought I could be sitting in a 24 hour fast food restaurant that looks over the old Asylum in New Norfolk. I guess the 24 hour part would be handy for ghost hunters over in WCC LOL.

    Look forward to hearing more about this proposal.

  3. We do not need a 24 hour junk food outlet it's bad enough that we have all of the bogans hanging out the front of Subway I hate to think what is going to happen if get get a 24 hour junk food outlet. More shops will get broken it too and they will just hang around and drink, so we better get some more cops up here ASAP!

  4. bout time New Norfolk caught up with the times!!
    Such a hideous old town now....
    Used to live there.. glad I don't anymore....

  5. Everyone this is Macdonalds. Information can be found in the New Norfolk council chambers.

  6. we need a 24 hour junk food place in New Norfolk like a hole in the head! i strongly encourage everybody to put in representations against this development. Inger

  7. Great. This is all we need, more junk 'food' poisoning our citizens.

    I ate McDonalds once many years ago and couldn't have a crap for three days because their 'food' has almost no fibre or vitamins or any other goodness in it. It is designed to keep you coming back for more, your body attempting to nourish itself with proper food, while many people keep eating this rubbish in response.

    'NO' to more ill-health creating businesses in New Norfolk. I for one will fight this with all the resources available to me.

    Piss off Maccas!


  8. The Derwent Valley Gazette this week suggests McDonald's as the likely operator of this business but the documents on display at the Derwent Valley Council office do not contain this information. This has been confirmed with the council office today.

  9. If you can't crap for 3 days after eating Macca's I think there maybe more to it, I suggest seeing your GP.

    I was told Humana did the new Coles and KFC at Sorrell, so I think there is a really good chance it will be KFC

  10. Whats the big problem?-if you dont like KFC/Maccas dont go there.There will be plenty of customers in New Norfolk.It will provide some jobs for kids.
    New Norfolk needs to face reality-it is slowly self destructing and should be pleased that new business are wiling to locate there.

  11. The big issue for me is the fact that it is directly opposite a heritage listed site - surely that in itself is enough reason not to have it. Do they have a 24hr fast food outlet next door to Port Arthur? methinks not..And it will only further destroy the small locally run food businesses in town & create more litter on our streets & waterways. And as far as creating jobs - please - a McApprencticeship is not what I want my kids doing!

  12. I can't begin to mention how disappointed I was to read the front page of the Gazette yesterday morning about this. The Mayor stated that it will be a drawcard for tourists!. This is crazy, tourists don't want to go to a 24-hour fast food chain outlet. It is, however, a drawcard for more hoodlums to come to New Norfolk from all over the place.

    Has anyone thought about the small cafes in New Norfolk - they will suffer even more because of this.

    In this day and age when everyone, parents, TV shows and local schools are trying hard to get our kids to be educated about where their food comes from and to eat better food, you want to possibly put a fast food outlet (KFC, MCdondald's, whatever, they are all rubbish) in a small town.

    New Norfolk can't even get a 24-hour police station but you will sure need one when this fast food outlet goes in - that's one way for you to get one. A 24-hour Mcdonald's draws hoodlums from everywhere all night long. They all just hang out in their cars all night in the car park.

    Just check out the Stanmore McDonald's in Sydney.It is full 24 hours. Another suburb in Sydney called Newtown campaigned twice to stop a Mcdonald's opening because they wanted to support the little guys in the community and twice they were successful. You will not see one fast food outlet (ie, Mcdondald's, KFC, PIzza Hut) in Newtown but you will find hundreds of restaurants.

    You are only hurting the little guys by allowing this to go through. This is not the way to bring tourists the the town. I welcome new businesses but not one like this. Perhaps someone should open a whizz bang drycleaners - I am sure that proposal would be stopped.

    And by the way, the house they demolished on that site, rumour has it that it may have been a heritage listed one. Does anyone know? Were Heritage Tasmania advised and consulted on this one?

  13. I get your concerns about being so close to Willow Court, but when the Council sell the Oval who knows what might be on that site.

    I know we don’t want our kids main employment ambition to be McDonalds but it provides people with employment who are genuinely after jobs, not to mention the jobs it will create during construction.

    I don't see why small business should be concerned about McDonalds. If they are producing high quality, competitively priced food people are always going to eat there not matter what.

  14. It is a sad day when some people believe that having a 24 hour fast food outlet is one way for a small town to get ahead and get with the times.

    I think you need to visit areas outside of the state to see that having a fast food outlet like a Maccas or KFC is not a form of moving forward.

  15. Deadline to put in a representation to council is 3rd Feb - make sure objections are relevant to the Council Planning Scheme. the councillors can ONLY object on grounds relevant to the planning scheme - see Inger

  16. Megan -you cant seriously be comparing Royal Derwent with Port Arthur!!
    To all these complaining about hoodlums-they are all around the town anyway.Maybe a little part time job might keep a few of them occupied.
    As far as other eateries in the town go-if they feel threatened by a burger chain-then they are obviously providing very low quality fare currently.
    New Norfolk is a low socio economic area, not a swanky inner city suburb filled with trendy cafes.The more development this town can get the better.

  17. Seriously, Anonymous, (why are people so scared to put their names to their posts?) you think that a 24hr fast food outlet is going to get the hoodlums off the street you are seriously misguided. It will only create jobs for kids who would have been looking for one in the first place - most of those kids don't even attend school so it will be just another place for them to hang around. No I'm not comparing our town to Port Arthur but if we are to have any chance of preserving what is left of Willow Court I wouldn't think bring this to the town is the right step. Especially where they want to put it - put it up on the highway but not opposite Willow Court.
    Development is fine, but not all development is good development & as ratepayers we have the right to object to things we don't agree with. We live in a democracy remember.

  18. Jen said: This kind of fast non food outlet will only add to the health problems of Australians..... instead of teaching children and young people to eat real live foods...not foods off the shelf manufactured and sold between food scientists and advertising companies and big supermarkets laced with numerous chemicals and preservatives!

  19. Its not the responsibility of business to provide health solutions.No development equals death of small towns.Ok lets say the fastfood chain is knocked back then what ? another derelict site .Wake up folks, embrace change or suffer a declining town ,higher unemployment,higher crime and further declining property values.Yes we do live in a democracy ,but think before you object to investment.

  20. I don't mind either way.

    I think that Megan has fair grounds to compare Willow Court with Port Arthur.

    I agree that it would be better if the 24 hours McDonalds wasn't opposite Willow Court, I agree it probably would be better on the highway, but would New Norfolk businesses complain that it is dragging business away from the CBD???

    May be the Admin of this site can clear this up for us? Is there anything stopping a developer putting some other fast food restaurant, supermarket etc on the Willow Court Oval itself? This would be far more damaging to Willow Court than this proposal of McDonalds on the Corner.

  21. Hi Jarvo, thanks for the question. The Willow Court oval is in a "special development zone" which means almost anything could be put there, with council approval.

    This has been a fascinating discussion, with some diverse points of view & I thank all who have contributed so far.

  22. Thanks Ed

    Thats what I thought, so Megan things could get a whole lot uglier and damaging for Willow Court than this particular proposal.

  23. note: with council approval - so nothing is signed sealed or delivered on the oval site. When it comes up again, as I am led to believe it will shortly ? that too can be objected on. One thing at a time.

  24. Admin you stated: "The Willow Court oval is in a "special development zone" which means almost anything could be put there, with council approval."

    Just wondering why then is the oval listed in the NN Municipality Planning Scheme as part of the Core Site Area which states:
    The use and/or
    Development within
    the ' core or peripheral
    site areas ' identified in
    Figure One (a) shall
    comply with the
    principles and
    provisions of a
    heritage assessment to
    the satisfaction of the
    Tasmanian Heritage

    Can you clarify?

  25. i think it would be great for a 24 hours Mcdonalds to come to New norfolk my child and other children would get jobs while they are attending school!!!...... and adding on to what you said Megan, my child currently works in Hungry Jacks and wants to work somewhere closer to home as he has to catch buses because he is only on his L,s you all said this about subway and now it's doing fine and nothing has happened and most of the kids do attend school megan just when they finish college year 12 some are only left with working at Mcdonalds and my son has saved up from his job and bought a car! he attends college and works weekends it gets money for him how else are our children supposed to get money???

  26. I own a business right near Subway & it has done nothing for this town except create problems for the shopkeepers nearby! Come down on a Saturday afternoon & see for yourself!

  27. Megan please take a deep breath!
    This state is in for a huge shock finacially,construction is slowing at an alarming rate.The federal stimulus is coming to an end and there are a lot of redundancies coming.We need investment and construction desperately.
    New Norfolk like other regional areas is at a crossroads -i say again no development is the nail in the coffin of Nawfick.
    To the poster whos child is working at Hungry Jacks - well done on encouraging a work ethic -even a part time job can help mould a succesful business person in the future.

  28. And how is building a pre-fab fast food outlet that by their own admission 'only uses local tradespeople where feasible' if going to help Tasmanias lagging construction industry? My husband is a carpenter so we know only too well what the state of affairs is in the building industry. Take a deep breath yourself & actually have a look around at all the small & micro businesses in NN that will possibly suffer as a result - or don't those families matter? When a family run business goes under the WHOLE FAMILY suffers not just one person....

  29. I would be proud if my children got their first job at McDonalds. The workers have protocols etc which they have to follow and it is a good starting point for them to start saving money.
    If you don’t like junk food then don’t eat there! No one is forcing you!
    Imagine if you were a tourist with little or no English. You are looking for a meal but you don’t understand the menu or you are not sure if the food is safe to eat. Would you head for the familiar Golden Arches or KFC? I know I would.
    As for the “the louts” roaming the town. It’s not Subway or any other business fault. Maybe the parents need to take some responsibility and find out exactly what their children are up to.
    I know some people don’t like change but let’s face it change is inevitable.

  30. I would have to agree with comment #29

    I know it would be an uneasy time for small business in New Norfolk, but that is the business they are in.
    I think if they deliver good customer service, top quality food at reasonable & competitive prices they shouldn't have anything to worry about.

  31. I fail to see how Maccas could be any worse than the take away chicken joint in the town.I reckon we need a KFC as well!!

  32. I have had the opportunity to read some of the above blogs, letters and also the flyer/handout headed,
    “Tell Council NO to” + “How to tell Council NO” in regard the proposal for a Fast-Food outlet in New Norfolk.
    My own opinion and/or stance is, bring MacDonald’s to New Norfolk and any other business, be it local, interstate or multinational.
    Why? Because we, as a Town, are now old enough to have them. A boost to employment, good competition and more variety. Where, as a Tourist or indeed a local, if you drive up High Street will you find a Local eatery that is open of a weekend or evening besides a fast food outlet.
    Overlooking a Heritage Site: The Barracks, YES, the rest I don’t think so. Asylum, it was a place where we as a society dumped those that we did not want to see or look after. Psychiatric hospital, well perhaps, 10% of the residence had psychiatric problems the rest I revert back to above.
    The increase in traffic, noise etc: was at one time the busiest intersections on the town and at times still that way. This intersection had at one time more residence/s there than at the moment, they had to put up with the traffic including trucks carting coal, along with a busy weigh bridge, trucking business, building firm (became panel beaters) a milk carrier and of course those that were employed at the Hospital.
    Fast Food may not be good for you but is convenient. You can indeed eat different things each night of the week if you so wish, be it Fish n Chips, Pizza, Chinese, Chicken n Chips, Subway, Pub meal or Frozen meal from freezer at supermarket and now MacDonald’s. If you do not want children to eat fast food teach them to cook or better yet, do the cooking yourself for them. Don’t blame busy lifestyle as there is always time to eat properly.
    Antisocial behaviour: instead of looking at the problem look to the cause. Ask the parents where their children are and why they are there in the first place. Where are the parents? On the other hand you will always have places were young people will congregate; move them on from one place they will find another and so on.
    Litter, all gets back to education. No doubt who ever the business is, they will place waste bins in and around site, if there is a problem with litter after that then it is the teachers fault, our fault. Something the producer of the flyer/handout may have forgotten in regard his own pieces of paper...
    Adverse impact on streetscape: if you stand on that site what do you see? A derelict Oval that is not put to good use and buildings that scream at what we did to our unfortunates in the past. Driving in to New Norfolk from Hobart I would rather see a string of fast food establishments on my left than what I see now and have seen for years, even the fact when you drive along Bathurst Street in the distance you see decrepit buildings.
    I have lived here long enough to have seen good and bad, things come and go, but what is good for this Town usually stays that which is not, fades away.

  33. I cant see how any 24 hour food outlet would last any more than a few months in New Norfolk.
    Seriously, the town is dead after 9pm.
    I say fine, let 'em in, and let 'em fail.
