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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Junior soccer back in action

Under 6 Red played a great game, unfortunately defeated by Bagdad. Well done to new players Tyler and Jayla. Tyler a goal and there was great team work from Ruby, Jake, Anna and Noah.

Under 6 Black played a good game against Holy Rosary White with a hard fought draw. They were really unlucky not to score on numerous occasions. There was a great captain's run by Zach and top effort by Hemi, Shaun, Lucas and James. Well done.

Under 7 Red had a great game against Glenorchy Knights. Tenesha and Tristan were the goal scorers and a special mention goes to Joel for showing great awareness as to the position of the rest of his team.  A fantastic game.

Under 7 Black played Derwent United in a great first game back after the school holidays on Friday night at Weily Par. Excellent work by Amber Rainbird and Rodney Browning who scored a goal each. Keep up the good work, team.

Under 8 Red played Under 8 Black. It was good to have some fun with changing things around. Thanks to J’Khobi for changing teams for the day to make it even. Great goal work by Joshua and Mikayla.

Under 9 played a very good Dominic team who kept New Norfolk scoreless. Goal keepers Caleb and Jenny did a great job. Well done to Luke and Cruez for some great team work.

Under 10 was more than ready to hit the ground after the two-week break. Another great game was played by all with result being a 9-1 win against Brighton Gold. Aidan and Kiara shared goalie duties with great saves and kick-ins by both. They were well backed up by Alex G, Luke and Brock in defence. Goal scorers today were Ostyn, Maddy and Aidan with two each and Jacob, Freya and Alex B with one each. A great game.

Under 11 was defeated 4-0 by Derwent United at Weily Park. Players tried hard with special mentions to Jacob for consistently being on the ball and to goalies Lane and Blake. Congratulations Derwent United.

Under 14 played New Town White at Clare St, beating them 3-0. Scorers were Jakeb Rhodes, Ryan Emery and Thomas Fulton all with one each.

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