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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Anzac parade drew a crowd

The scene at the 11am service in New Norfolk.
FOLLOWING on from the big turnout for the Anzac Day dawn service in New Norfolk, attendances at the main parade and 11am service did not disappoint.

Parade marshall Dale Britten was pleased with the public response to both events. Numbers in the main parade were swelled by additional family members of veterans now departed, as well as a big representation from local schools and a group of local students who attend Dominic College.

New Norfolk RSL Sub-Branch president Harry Sherwood was master of ceremonies. He introduced guest speaker Wing Commander Dale Watson who gave an interesting address that weaved the experiences of New Norfolk soldiers into the Anzac story. He said 416 men and two women had enlisted from the New Norfolk district to serve in World War I. He spoke of privates Richard Jarvis and Arthur Anderson who enlisted very early in World War I, took part in the Gallipoli landing on April 25, 1915, and were killed that same day.

Music for the service was provided by the Derwent Valley Concert Band and the Derwent Valley Choir. Reverend Celia Hooker led the religious component of the service, having already done so at the Dawn Service and at Corumbene Nursing Home earlier in the morning. The list of the fallen from World Wars I and II was read by Harry Sherwood who later invited everyone to lunch at the RSL Clubrooms but said it would be difficult to accommodate everyone given the unprecedented size of the crowd.

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