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Thursday, June 29, 2017

Big footy reunion this Saturday

Kevin Cooley, left, Ray Aitchison and Tony Adams are looking
forward to reliving their glory days at the football reunion. 
ONE of the biggest football reunions ever seen in Tasmania is set to happen at Boyer Oval this Saturday July 1. The reunion is open to all players and officials of all current and former clubs in and around the Derwent Valley and Central Highlands.

The person behind the idea is the New Norfolk District Football Club senior coach Matthew Smith. The Eagles' two-time premiership coach and three-time premiership player came up with the idea to bring all past and present football clubs together for one big reunion.

"I just thought it would be a great way to honour the many players and officials that have helped the game grow and to get them all together on the one day will be just terrific," Smith said. He is expecting well over 20 people to come along and to reunite with past team mates and rivals of yesteryear.

Among those who will be there whether rain, hail or shine are Tony Adams, Kevin Cooley and Ray Aitchison, who played over a combined total of around 900 games with eight different clubs for 10 premierships.

"I just think it's a great idea. I'm looking forward to rubbing shoulders with many of my former team mates and rivals," said Adams who played his last season with the now defunct North Derwent Football Club in 1992 at the age of 39,

Cooley played into his 40s and will be attending with his sons John and Robert who he had the pleasure of playing with and coaching before he retired.

Aitchison started his career with the New Norfolk Under 17s and went on to play for Hamilton and Upper Derwent in the 1960s, but retired at age 25. Since then he has researched and collated the history of past and present clubs and will be bringing along many photos, match reports and other memorabilia for all to see.

If you would like to attend the big day, come along to the New Norfolk District Football Clubrooms at 12.30pm on July 1 from where Eagles coach Matthew Smith will lead you over to Boyer Oval to watch his charges do battle with the Hobart Tigers. Entry to the ground will be free to all that are attending the reunion.

The reunion will be held in two marquees situated near the players change rooms. Food will be provided in form of a barbecue and refreshments will be available over the bar. Those attending are invited to wear or bring along their old playing jumpers, badges, photos etc. For more information contact the organisers Matthew Smith on 0423 412 723 or Kerry Wilton on 0428 337 793.


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