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Monday, July 23, 2012

Archaeologist for Willow Court

A PORT Arthur archaeologist is the latest appointee to the Willow Court Conservation Committee. The appointment of Dr Jane Harrington as the committee's second expert member was announced by chairman David Llewellyn at his meeting with the Friends of Willow Court and Frescati last week. Mr Llewellyn said it was taking a little longer than expected to fill all the positions on the new committee and advised that secretarial support was now being provided by the Derwent Valley Council in the person of general manager Stephen Mackey. He confirmed that there would be no payments to committee members but said their legitimate out of pocket expenses would be covered.

Mr Llewellyn said he was pleased that Port Arthur Historic Site heritage archaeologist Jane Harrington had agreed to join the committee, describing her as the best person to fill the role. He said Dr Harrington and Port Arthur Historic Site CEO Stephen Large had recently visited Willow Court. This leaves a vacancy for one more expert on the committee and Mr Llewellyn said he was looking for a person with entrepeneurial skills to help raise funds for Willow Court.

Addressing the matter of community representation on his committee, Mr Llewellyn said he had received nominations from the Friends of Frescati and Friends of Willow Court but no decision had been made. It was likely that a member would be selected from one Friends group and a proxy from the other.

The present makeup of the Willow Court Conservation Committee is chairman David Llewellyn, Mayor Martyn Evans, state government representative Michelle Moseley, architect Paul Lan, archaeologist Jane Harrington and non-voting secretary Stephen Mackey. Deputy mayor Barry Lathey is the mayor's proxy.

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