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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Check out the new planning scheme

DRAFT planning schemes for the Derwent Valley and the 11 other southern Tasmanian councils have been released for public consultation. Over the next six weeks the draft schemes will be available for public inspection and submissions are sought from interested members of the community.

The draft ordinance and the draft zoning maps will be available at council offices and via the internet until July 12. There will also be a number of community information sessions around southern Tasmania, including two in New Norfolk.

Following the consultation period, the councils will consider all comments received and prepare final drafts of their schemes for formal submission to the Minister for Planning.  Access to all twelve draft planning schemes is available here. Jump straight to the draft Derwent Valley Planning Scheme here.

Submissions are being sought from all those with an interest in land use planning in southern Tasmania by close of business on July 12, 2013. Submissions may be lodged by:

  • Using the online submission function on the project website
  • Post, email or hand delivery to a council office. Download Lodgement of Submissions information here
  • Post to: The Project Manager, Southern Tasmania Regional Planning Project, GPO Box 503E, HOBART, TAS 7001 
  • Email to: 

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