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Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Farrell's new roles in State Opposition

STATE Labor leader Bryan Green has handed several shadow portfolio responsibilities to New Norfolk’s Craig Farrell. The Derwent MLC lost his role as Leader for the Government in the Legislative Council following Labor's defeat at the March 15 State Election, along with the substantial allowance and chauffeured car that went with the role.

For the last two months of former premier Lara Giddings' administration, Mr Farrell also served as Minister for Sustainable Transport and Minister for Corrections and Consumer Protection. His responsibilities in the new parliament are as the opposition spokesman for infrastructure and for environment, parks and heritage.

Announcing his shadow cabinet last week, Opposition Leader Bryan Green said Labor would get straight to work on holding the new Liberal Government to account. “Labor has a depth of ministerial experience developed during our time in government, coupled with new faces and fresh ideas,” Mr Green said.

Labor Shadow Cabinet 
Bryan Green MHA
Leader of the Opposition
Opposition Spokesman for State Growth
Opposition Spokesman for Resources

Michelle O’Byrne MHA
Deputy Leader of the Opposition
Opposition Spokesman for Education and Training
Opposition Spokesman for  Sport and Recreation
Opposition Spokesman for Workplace Relations

Scott Bacon MHA
Opposition Treasury Spokesman
Opposition Spokesman for Racing
Opposition Spokesman for Tourism, Hospitality and Events
Opposition Spokesman for Veterans’ Affairs

Craig Farrell MLC
Opposition Spokesman for Infrastructure
Opposition Spokesman for Environment, Parks and Heritage

Lara Giddings MHA
Opposition Attorney-General Spokesman
Opposition Spokesman for Justice
Opposition Spokesman for the Arts
Opposition Spokesman for Planning and Local Government
Opposition Spokesman for Women

David Llewellyn MHA
Leader of Opposition Business
Opposition Spokesman for Police and Emergency Management
Opposition Spokesman for Primary Industries and Water
Opposition Spokesman for Energy

Madeleine Ogilvie MHA
Opposition Whip
Opposition Spokesman for Corrections
Opposition Spokesman for Aboriginal Affairs
Opposition Spokesman for Small Business
Opposition Spokesman for IT and Innovation
Opposition Spokesman for Multicultural Affairs

Rebecca White MHA
Opposition Spokesman for Health
Opposition Spokesman for Human Services
Opposition Spokesman for Children

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