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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Soccer season wraps up

THE New Norfolk Soccer Club celebrated another great season with its trophy day held on Saturday at Tynwald Park. Every player received a trophy and there were added bonuses this year in the form of vouchers from McDonald's New Norfolk as well as a free ball for every junior player thanks to Football Federation Tasmania.

The presentations were followed by a barbecue lunch and the opportunity for photos. The New Norfolk Soccer Club committee thanks all players, coaches and parents for a sensational year. The club also thanks Tas Trophy House for their continued help with trophies, William Mitre 10 for giving us a great deal on new barbecues, the Star & Garter Hotel for sponsorship of meal vouchers and the Derwent Valley Council for presenting the playing fields so well each week.

The club wishes the Under 11 team the best of luck when competing at the Launceston Cup this weekend and expresses its thanks to all sponsors who have helped them to get there.  The Under 11 team has had a fantastic season, not just in wins but in the way the players conduct themselves and how they have grown as a team. Go Panthers!

Previous week's final games
Under 6 Red (coach Rebecca Tedeschi and team manager Danni Smith) played a fantastic last game for the year, drawing against Brighton White. Thank you to Hemi for helping us out. Great teamwork Tyler, Anna, Jake, Hemi and Ruby.

Under 6 Black (coach Ken Harwood) finished off the season with a win against Holy Rosary 3-2. Zach scored a goal and Holy Rosary kicked two for us.  Well done to all boys: Hemi, Shaun, Zach, Lucas, James, Vincent and Lewis on a great game and season.

Under 7 Red (coach Janelle Maw) finished the season with two great games on Gala Day. The kids had a tremendous year, with some huge progress with their ball skills. They have been a delight to coach. Thank you to all the parents that ensured the kids are there every week to play, and stand in the freezing cold and cheer the kids like every week is their first week.

Under 7 Black (coach Ben Rainbird) had a fantastic end to the season at the Gala Day at Tynwald Park. Under 7 Black versus Brighton played in glorious sunshine. All players put in 100 per cent. A special mention to Tristan Nicholson with a great goal from the other end of the field with help from Mikayla Bailey.  Well done team and a big thank you to our coach Ben Rainbird for his hard work this season.

Under 8 Red (coach Jason Priest) had their last game of the season against a strong Brighton side. In a fast paced game Brighton scored first but some good teamwork from New Norfolk saw us score immediately after Brighton, with a great goal to Jack. The game became a tussle with good play from Josh and Jack unlucky not to result in another goal. Jacob W and Declan were our goalies for the day and had some great saves, with help from Jacob P and Hamish in defence. Nayte, Josh, Jack and Tristan kept up the attack but Brighton kicked away in the second half. A great game by the whole team. You have come together so well this year and we are all proud of your efforts every week. Thanks to Josh and Tristan for always filling in for us when needed. Looking forward to 2015.

Under 8 Black (coach Paul Kelleher) -played a great game against Glenorchy Knights who thankfully made up a team to give our team a chance to play as our original opponents pulled out. Congratulations to Mikayla, Caitlan, Astrid, Mia, Jacob, Jess and Joshua for playing out the whole season holding their heads high. Special thanks to Jack who subbed for us most games and thanks to Tristian, Hamish and Declan for subbing on the last day. Good luck to all the players and we hope they return next year.

Under 9 (coach Bianca Tolputt) played two awesome games on the last day, with the second game being the best all season. Well done Jenny, Caylin, Ella and Caleb in goals, you all saved some great shots. Well done to Abby on the only goal for the day. Some awesome teamwork from Luke, Cruez, Maiken and Oliver. What will do with our Saturdays now?

Under 10 (coaches Jason Wilton & Dallas Featherstone) ended the season with a 4-0 win against Holy Rosary. Congratulations to Brock Hill, Jacob Blackwell, Aidan Featherstone, Maddy Wilton, Freya Downie, Kiara Moodie, Ostyn Wilton, Alex Bourne, Alex Gunn, Alex McMillan and Luke Jarvis on your fantastic season,. You have all grown so much this year. Your maturity on and off the ground, the way you all encourage each other and your work ethic at training and on game day is a credit to you, your club, your coaches and your families. You are an awesome group.  A huge thank you goes out to our coaches for your time, patience and encouragement. Our team wouldn't be as fantastic as it is without the support of all the family members who come along to training and the games each week. Our weekly kids v adult games are legendary. It has been another great season and you should be very proud of yourselves. A special mention to a young man who has come to all our training sessions and game days to watch and support his friends - Harrison Hyland it would be great to have you sign up next year.

Under 11 (coach Matt Rose) lost to Derwent United. A great game played by all, goal scorers Levi and Jacob, also a special thank you to Ostyn and Aiden from the Under 10s for filling in for us.

Under 16 (youth coach Andrew Nichols) played a fantastic last game for the season, going down 3-2 to Kingborough. Defence was strong in the first half with Billy, Jack, Jacob G and Jacob R rising to the constant push forward by Kingborough. Tom and Trent kept the score low in goals. Cambell and Nathan worked the wing and Joshua R and Jordan were strong in the midfield. In the second half New Norfolk pushed forward more with Josh C, Jayden and Tom. Josh R converted a penalty and Jayden scored the other New Norfolk goal. It was a great season played by all the boys. Thanks to Andy for his commitment to coaching again this year.

Seniors Division 4 (managers Colin Banks & David Browning) headed to Chigwell to take on Metro for the final game of the season. Right from the starting whistle, New Norfolk set the pace and looked most likely to score but no matter how close they got, the ball just could not find its way in the net. Metro managed a couple of chances just before half time but the score remained 0-0 at the break. Metro managed to get on the scoreboard in the first few minutes of the second half. Shortly after that, dual yellow cards resulting in a red card saw the Panthers down to 10 men and Metro capitalised, putting a second goal in quickly. New Norfolk then showed the focus they've developed in recent weeks and really tightened the screws on Metro, despite having one less player on the pitch. Keeper Owen Browning really stepped up and made some great saves. A great set play from a corner by James White, Colin Banks and Josh Young resulted in the Panthers clawing back to 2-1, but Metro slotted one more goal before full time to run out 3-1 winners.  It has been a very successful first season for the new Panthers senior team and, despite their final position on the table, the statistics show that they have stood tall amongst a competition full of established teams. New Norfolk managed to score in every game for the season. It has been a great team effort and there is no doubt that 2015 will be an even better season.

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